

日期:2018年03月06日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2133
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201404171011176198 论文字数:36200 所属栏目:英语教育论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
. He describes that “TOA refers to the way an individual orgroup perceives and processes information about ambiguous situations or stimuliwhen confronted by an array of unfamiliar, complex, or incongruent clues” (1949).Mclain (1993) believes that tolerance indicates “begrudging acceptance” whileintolerance indicates “rejection” and appends that tolerance “extends along acontinuum from rejection to attraction”.Budner (1962) refers ambiguous situation to the situation in which people areunable to construct and classify the information properly due to lack of sufficientclues and hints.

2.2 English Reading Anxiety
So far learners’ variables have caught more and more attention, among whichaffective factors have especially been the focus that is taken into account. Thefollowing part first goes to foreign language anxiety (FLA) and then concentrates onERA. Anxiety, which plays an important affective role in second language learning, hasbeen studied in the psychological domain. It’s hard to define anxiety in a simplesentence because it is associated with “feelings of uneasiness, frustration, self-doubt, apprehension, or worry” (Brown, 1994). Scovel (1978) refers to anxiety as “a state ofapprehension, a vague fear that is only indirectly associated with an object”. We have been imposing much importance on teaching methodology for a longtime. As one of the affective factors, anxiety is perceived as a disagreeable emotionalexperience like anticipation, irritation and fear. Anxiety is a kind of emotional state,and many researchers (Spielberger, 1966, Horwitz, et al, 1986a) figure it as one of themost important variables which influence foreign language learning. It is believed thatanxiety ranks high among those affective factors influencing language learning (JaneArnold, 2000). There are many different versions about the definition of anxiety.

Chapter 3 Research Methodology .........42
3.1 Research Questions.....42
3.2 Research Design....42
3.2.1 Participants.........42
3.2.2 Instruments.........43
3.2.3 Procedure......46
3.2.4 Data Collection and Analysis .......54
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion....55
4.1 Reliability of TOA and ERA ........55
4. 2 Analysis of the Results of TOA and ERA in the Pretest .......56
4.3 Analysis of the Results of TOA and ERA in the Posttest.......66
4. 4 Comparison of the Results of TOA and ERA in the Pretest and Posttest......68
4.4.1 Comparison of the Results of TOA in the Pretest and Posttest .........68
4.4.2 Comparison of the Results of ERA in the Pretest and Posttest .........69
4.5 Summary .........71
Chapter 5 Conclusion ........73
5.1 Major Findings......73
5.2 Implications of the Research.........74
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research.....77

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

This chapter describes the results based on statistical analyses in detail, includingcorrelation between TOA and ERA, and the correlation between TOA and readingcomprehension achievement, as well as the correlation between ERA and readingcomprehension achievement.Statistical analyses were assisted primarily with SPSS, Version 18.0. Thestatistics methods that were used in the present relational study were theindependent-Samples t-test and Paired-Samples t-test. There are totally 12 items in the TOAS questionnaire and 20 items in the FLRASquestionnaire. From Table 4.1 and Table 4.2, we can learn that the Cronbach’s Alphasof TOAS and FLRAS are respectively .813 and .816. According to Qin Xiaoqing(2009), Cronbach alpha ranges between 0.00 and 1.00, and the higher the coefficientis, the better the internal