
Learning Theories and Development:Cooperative Learning in EFL Classroom: a Review of Literature---- English Writing Class as an Example

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:5633
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw200707162205477766 论文字数:4000 所属栏目:英语教育论文
论文地区: 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
Cooperative Learning in EFL Classroom: a Review of Literature ---- English Writing Class as an Example Table of Content 1.Introduction 2 1.1Context of the Research 2 1.2Significance of the Research 2 2.Understanding Cooperative Learning in EFL Classroom 2 2.1Understanding of EFL Classroom 2 2.1.1Characteristics of EFL Classroom 2 2.1.2Problems with Current EFL Classroom 2 2.2Conception of Cooperative Learning 2 2.2.1Theoretical Base of Cooperative Learning 2 2.2.2History of Practical Use Of Cooperative Learning 2 2.3 Applying Cooperative Learning to Writing 2 2.3.1 The Distinction Between Cooperative Learning and Traditional Group Instruction 2 2.3.2The Teacher's Role in Cooperative Learning 2 2.3.3Types of Cooperative Learning in Writing 2 2.3.4Limitations of Applying Cooperative Learning in EFL Classroom 2 3.An Empirical Study 2 3.1Object 2 3.2Method 2 3.2.1Subjects 3 3.2.2Procedure 3 3.3Results 3 3.4Discussion 3 3.4.1Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning in EFL Classroom 3 3.4.2Probelms of Cooperative Learning in EFL Classroom 3 3.4.3Suggestions to Improvement of Cooperative Learning in EFL Classroom 3 4.Conclusion 3 References 3 论文题目:Cooperative Learning in EFL Classroom :a review of literature(合作学习在英语外语教学课堂中的运用) 内容要涉及此种方法在EFL课堂运用的优势/弊端及改进方法,详细要求请参考导师的instruction 论文类型水平及专业:教育研究专业硕士研究生(MA in Educational Studies)课程论文 字数要求:4000 不包括bibliography 课程名称:Learning Theories and Development(学习理论及发展) 文章要求:以下附导师对文章题目及内容提出的建议 几点提示: 1.论文中要有适当引用和参考,包括直接引用(10%)和间接引用(10%或更多)(用自己的话语论述别人的观点),当然更多的要是自己的观点。 2.慎用网络资源。尽量少用或不用 3.导师在要求中提到了几个大的数据库,现将数据库地址,用户名及密码告知。        http://metalib0.york.ac.uk/V/5FBAI1LBP61K1XPEIHYISB6M6KT52T248848VFD9XHE78ICBYM-72053?RN=648082644&pds_handle=GUEST 左边 category 选 social sciences Subcategory 选 educational studies    Rescource 列表里就能找到下文导师提到的 British Educational Index, ERIC, Australian Index 用户名:yku27030  密码:oranga3a 4.详细提纲附reference list要在北京时间周日晚上之前出来 5.参考文献书目及期刊要在15-20个之间 This is a very interesting topic. I suggest you go for the following title: "Co-operative Learning in the EFL classroom" Or "Co-operative Learning in the EFL classroom: a review of the literature" You can then structure your essay as follows: Introduction: briefly what the essay is about What is Co-operative learning: what do we mean by co-operative learning,origin/theoretical underpinnings etc, models of co-operative learning, empirical studies examining its effectiveness etc The EFL classroom: particular characteristics of the EFL classroom, co-operative learning applications in the EFL class, empirical studies examining its effectiveness etc Concluding section: you summarise your conclusions on the basis of the literature review above and you outline your recommendations for continuing or changing existing practices. It is in this section that you can relate what you bread with your own experiences if you want to. As you can see, you need to carry out a thorough review of the literature. The best place to start is the electronic databases (BEI, ERIC, Australian Index etc) Remember argue ,compare and evaluate ,do not just summarise. Reference (There should be more reference books and journals ) Slavin,R.F Cooperative learning: Theory, Research and Practice [M] Jacob,E(1999) Cooperative learning in context State University of New York Press Johnson, D. & Johnson, R. (1989). Cooperation and competition: Theory and research. Edina, MN: Interaction Book Company. Johnson, D. & Johnson, R. (1990). Social skills for successful group work, Educational Leadership, Kagan, S. (1991). Cooperative learning: Resources for teachers. Laguna Niguel, CA: Resources for Teachers. Kessler, C. (1992). (Ed.), Cooperative language learning: A teacher’s resource book. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. McGroarty, M. (1989). The benefits of cooperative learning arrangements in second language acquisition. NABE Journal, 13 (2), 127-43.