Investigation on the effects of the linguistic and the non-linguistic factors on Chinese college-level students' English writing ability
论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
Investigation on the effects of the linguistic and the non-linguistic factors on Chinese college-level students' English writing ability
关键词: 英语写作能力 错误分析 语言因素文化 写作策略
The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of the linguistic and the non-linguistic factors on Chinese college-level students' English writing ability. The study finds that students' linguistic variables including the mother tongue, the mother tongue writing ability, English speaking ability, English productive vocabulary, and English reading comprehension have obviously direct or indirect effects on students' English writing ability. In addition, some non-linguistic factors such as the cultural difference and writing strategies also have effects on students' English writing ability in that they influence the aspects of rhetorical paradigms, the textual organization, and the writing process in students' English writing. The study indicates that an investigation on effects of factors on students' English writing ability is much help to the further researches into approaches to the improvement of Chinese students' English writing ability.
Part 1 concerns the related general knowledge about English writing which offers the theoretical support for the later discussion. Part 2 demonstrates the main problems of Chinese college level students' English writing. These problems give clues about some factors affecting students' English writing ability. The key content of the paper is described in Part 3 where the main related factors and their effects on students' English writing ability are described respectively in detail. The final part puts all that has been discussed in the former together and draw a conclusion according to which some personal views and suggestions about college English writing are presented in the end.
However, the study in this paper is by no means exhaustive owing to the limitation of resources, references and time. Some other problems (e.g.’ feedback') are assumed to be the factors affecting the developments of students' English writing ability and worth further studying.
Key words: English writing ability error analysis linguistic variables culture writing strategies
Introduction 3
Chapter 1 Conceptual orientation 5
Chapter 2 Main problems in students' English writing 8
Chapter 3 The influence of variables on students' English writing ability
3 .1 The influence of linguistic variables on the writing ability 15
3 .1 .1 Effects of Ll (Chinese) and Ll (Chinese) writing ability 16
3 .1.2 Effects of L2 (English) speaking ability 19
3 .1.3 Effects of L2 (English) vocabulary 20
3 .1.4 Effects of L2 (English) reading comprehension 21
3.2 The influence of culture on students' writing ability 22
3.2.1 The cultural influence on rhetorical paradigms 23
3.2.2 The cultural influence on textual organization 23
3.3 The influence of writing strategies on the writing ability 25
3.3.1 A review of published researches in foreign language writing strategies 25
3.3.2 The effect of writing strategies on the writing ability 26
Conclusion 27