
留学生Business作业:Impact of the Internet on the Macro-environment

日期:2023年07月05日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:983
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202307051116572966 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科预科课程作业 BA Pre Coursework
try, is explained below.未来合作的例子,可以影响支付行业,解释如下
If Apple comes with lets say ITunes wallet many payment institutions will be in trouble. Apple cannot do it alone and it needs to co-op with some one
In current scenario 在当前场景中
Vendors are reluctant to buy new equipment for handling payments unless enough customers demand it. Customers however, are similarly hesitant to use a payment system that vendors don’t support. Apple, a company that has millions of iTunes accounts, could’ve solved this.
Imagine a payment system, which can read your ITunes account directly from any merchant location on your phone or tablet.
Whom the Apple should co-op with?苹果应该与谁合作?
If it co-op with Visa and Master card then ITunes wallet would be a huge success 如果它与Visa和万事达卡合作,ITunes钱包将取得巨大成功
Why to co-op with MasterCard/Visa/Amex- Combined market share of three companies is 85%.为什么要与万事达卡/维萨卡/美国运通合作——三家公司的综合市场份额为85%。
Apple’s move challenges both e-Bay’s (EBAY) PayPal and retail consortium MCX, Morgan Stanley says in a report 摩根士丹利在一份报告中表示,苹果此举挑战了e-Bay的PayPal和零售财团MCX
For a Customer Apple is a noted brand same as Master card, Amex and Visa. For Payments to happen through Phone there is lot of liability and Apple needs Master card, Amex and Visa network and expertise to succeed in payments. I hope this friendship will happen for real and cardholders will not carry any more plastic in near future.
The same co-opetition will happen between credit card companies and Google in near future also I believe. But if Apple starts first rest will follow to succeed.