
留学生Business作业:Impact of the Internet on the Macro-environment

日期:2023年07月05日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:983
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202307051116572966 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科预科课程作业 BA Pre Coursework
arding substitute products and bargaining power, the Internet has increased the competition where low cost and high cost products are available on same platform, which is available to all. Internet has opened doors so that similar type of products availability is no scarce. With lowering shipping costs, consumers are not afraid to shop online from different countries. The barging power of consumer and supplier both increased because of fierce competition and ease of availability and presence on Internet. As there are less and less Geographical barriers in the Internet age companies are also launching their products in various countries at same time
Go to www.ecommercetimes.com, which provides a sound archive of e-business-related articles an publications. Select one to report on.请访问www.commercetems.com,它提供了与电子商务相关的文章和出版物的健全档案。选择一个报告。
Amazon’s About to Spring a 3D Smartphone 亚马逊即将推出3D智能手机
The article discusses about rumors and possible success of Amazon Phone. Few encrypts from the article and my views are reported below
Can Amazon disrupt the smartphone market with its own branded 3D device? It’s not likely Samsung and Apple are too worked up over the possibility. On the other hand, Amazon may not have to make a lot of profit on its phones. If it can delight it’s loyal hordes of customers with a new way to shop for its goods and content, that could be the big differentiator that spells trouble for competitors.
In my view, this is a good move by Amazon. Today Amazon released its phone and reviews are positive. I believe still m-commerce still did not pickup its speed like e-commerce. People like me still hesitate to shop through phones because search is clumsy on small screens and reading reviews not user friendly. But Amazon shows its product in 3d view, if its success then others will follow.
“This is not the first 3D phone we’ve seen. HTC released one; so did LG. Since then, we haven’t seen a 3D phone on the market. 3D as a whole, on devices, hasn’t really taken off. As a topic, as a feature, it just doesn’t have that kind of lasting quality,” Ramon Llamas, mobile phones research manager at IDC, told the E-Commerce Times.
DC手机研究经理Ramon Llamas在接受《电子商务时报》采访时表示:“这不是我们看到的第一款3D手机。HTC发布了一款,LG也发布了。从那以后,我们再也没有在市场上看到3D手机。3D作为一个整体,在设备上,并没有真正起飞。作为一个主题,作为一个功能,它只是没有那种持久的质量。”
“The only thing that really makes sense to me is that they could tie it into shopping,”
“Amazon is nothing if not one of the greatest online retailers. Shopping on a smartphone is difficult: You don’t have a lot of real estate. You don’t have a lot of space, but if you can show people almost in 3D what you can do with this, that would be pretty neat. But I have to rein my enthusiasm back because that’s a lot of content you have to put through the 3D machine in order to offer it,” Llamas pointed out
I believe with mobile payments in near feature Amazon start to innovate somewhere so that it cannot loose it customers to brick and motor.
“The stakes are fairly high,” said Rich Karpinski, senior analyst at the Yankee Group. However, “the odds of it succeeding in the smartphone business are not high. It’s brutally competitive, and new entrants have a tough road ahead of them.
“风险相当高,”洋基集团高级分析师Rich Karpinski说。然而,“它在智能手机行业取得成功的几率并不高。竞争激烈,新进入者面前的道路很艰难。”。
“Facebook, in particular, has shown interest in phones, has a great brand and huge user base, and