
留学生Business作业:Impact of the Internet on the Macro-environment

日期:2023年07月05日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:983
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202307051116572966 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科预科课程作业 BA Pre Coursework
s ability to capture the value it creates.
The five forces provide a guiding framework for understanding the sustainability of profits against competition and bargaining power. The five structural features that determine industry attractiveness are: (1) industry rivalry, (2) barriers to entry, (3) substitute products, (4) bargaining power of suppliers and (5) bargaining power of buyers.
Industry rivalry occurs when firms within an industry feel the pressure or the opportunity to enhance their existing market position. High intensity of rivalry within an industry results from the following structural factor
The Internet revolution geographical boundaries are getting reduced. People anywhere in the world are getting connected to each other through Internet. Inside e-commerce industry there are so many mergers and acquisition of companies taking place because fierce competition and rivalry to gain Internet customers.
The recent spat between Verizon and Netflix depicts classic example for latest Industry rivalry .The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has demanded access to private peering agreements between Netflix and Comcast as well as between Netflix and Verizon. The agreements are central to an ongoing dispute between the Internet service providers and Netflix regarding the speed at which the streaming video is delivered to consumers.
Barriers to entry determine the threat of new competitors to enter the market of a specific industry. As Internet entry is low cost every one thought it would wipe out most barriers to entry.
But as Brick and mortar companies has enough recognition and cash they found it easy to start Internet business than the companies, which do not have any presence.
Out of many Internet companies, very few companies like Alibaba, eBay, Amazon succeeded. There is steep learning curve for Internet business and still success is not that easy.
If there are numerous competitors, then individual firms may want to make a competitive move, e.g. by lowering prices. Furthermore, the Internet has reduced the importance of geographic boundaries, which traditionally limited the number of competitors within a region. For instance, B2B e-marketplaces, such as alibaba.com, amazon.com (quickly expanded into new locations. Since competitors following the same strategy, competition became more intense.
Companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft are acquiring the intellectual assets to prove the dominance on music Industry and gaining huge market share whose market share is non-existent 10 years ago.
Since the introduction the iTunes Music Store on April 28, 2003, music sales have plummeted in the United States — from $11.8 billion in 2003 to $7.1 billion last year 2013, according to the Recording Industry Association of America. When adjusted for inflation, revenue has been more than halved since Apple (AAPL) launched the iTunes Music Store
Nevertheless, the iTunes Music Store’s effect on the way people buy music over the past 10 years has ensured that the music industry will never again be the same.