
Accounting Essay范文:Creative Accounting Practices

日期:2023年11月13日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:974
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202311131450451310 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay
led “The Financial Numbers Game: Detecting Creative Accounting Practices”. The book although more focused for investors as learning to know quickly the accounting fraud, but keep in mind also by the auditor.
Some of the attributes that can be used to detect any risk of fraudulent financial reporting contained in the company, among others:可用于检测公司中包含的任何欺诈性财务报告风险的一些属性,包括
There are weaknesses in internal control (internal control).内部控制存在薄弱环节。
The Company does not have an audit committee.公司没有审计委员会。
There is a kinship (family relationship) between the management (director) with company employees.管理层(董事)与公司员工之间存在亲属关系。
Classification of Creative Accounting Practices according Mulfrod & Comiskey, consisting of:根据Mulfrod&Comiskey对创造性会计实践的分类,包括
Recognition of fictitious revenue 虚构收入的确认
Aggressive Capitalization & Extended Amortization Policies 激进的资本化和延期摊销政策
misreported Assets and Liabilities 误报的资产和负债
Creative with the Income Statement)富有创意的损益表。
Problems with Cash-Flow Reporting 现金流量报告的问题
According to a report from the National Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting, prevention and early detection on fraudulent financial reporting should begin when preparing financial statements.
Rezaee (2002), in his journal, entitled “Financial Statement Fraud: Prevention and Detection”, discusses deep enough on techniques to prevent and detect fraud in the financial statements. In the book described the case of the collapse of Enron in the United States, which is horrendous business community clearly and completely, including the existence of collusion.
Creative accounting is often done by internal parties in the company not only to manipulate existing data but also to save their company. However, there is one factor that led to manipulate the data were made by firms to get a positive response from several parties and advantages both for internal party companies and to the public.
Cheating manipulate the data is in many ways to detect and Prevent it. It can be done by evaluating the existing data is that existing and check fraud can be detected and prevented. So how creative accounting is not abused by Certain parties for opening advantage not only for the survival of the company and the shareholders of the company.
References 参考文献
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