
Accounting Essay范文:Creative Accounting Practices

日期:2023年11月13日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:974
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202311131450451310 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay
re at the turn of the new management is to acknowledge failure or deficit because the old management and new management wanted to avoid such failures. This technique can also recognize the costs in future periods and the loss of the current period when the plight of the unfortunate who can not be avoided in the current period. Consequently, the management do the cleaning themselves by charging the cost estimates to come and do clear the decks. As a result, the next period earnings will be higher than it should be.
Example is according Vinnari and N’Asi (2008) mentions that creative accounting in this case is more likely to lead to the intended use of the accounting for financial reports “misleading” users so as to preclude the user to achieve the purpose of the use of such financial statements. Once a common form used is to bring a wide variety of fictitious transactions for the purpose of manipulating the balance of the balance sheet or the aim of transferring profits between accounting periods.
Income minimization 收入最小化
It is similar to ‘taking bath’ but less extreme. This pattern was made during the company’s profitability is very high with the intention that does not get noticed by the parties concerned (political aspects of cost). Measures taken by the write-off may be on capital and intangible assets, the imposition of advertising costs, costs of research and development, Efforts successful methods for the petroleum companies and so on. The deletion is done when the other techniques still show the operating results still seems to attract interested parties. The aim of this deletion is to achieve a rate of return on assets is desired.
它类似于“Taking Bath”,但没有那么极端。这种模式是在公司盈利能力非常高的时候制定的,目的是不引起相关方的注意(成本的政治方面)。注销所采取的措施可能涉及资本和无形资产、征收广告成本、研发成本、石油公司的成功方法等。当其他技术仍然显示出经营成果时,删除似乎仍然吸引了相关方。删除的目的是实现所需的资产回报率。
Income maximization 收入最大化
Maximization of profit for the purpose of obtaining a larger bonus, which reported earnings remained below the upper limit set.
Income smoothing 收入平滑
Income smoothing is the most popular and frequently performed. The companies do this to reduce the volatility of net income. The Company may also flatten net profit for the external reporting with the intention of the company’s internal information delivery to the market in predicting long-term profit growth.
The timing of revenue and expense recognition 确认收入和费用的时间
This technique can be done by making a specific policy with regard to time or timing of a transaction such as the premature recognition on the sale.
How to Detect and Prevent Accounting Fraud in Creative Accounting Practices 如何在创新会计实务中发现和预防会计舞弊
Creative accounting has adverse implications for the company, either the owner of the company and investors who want to invest into the company. There are several methods and ways that can to detect creative accounting and how to prevent it.
Fraudulent financial reporting in a company is to be a big impact on all those who base their decisions on the information in the financial statements. Therefore, public accountant should be able to prevent and detect it early to avoid fraud. To determine the existence of fraud, usually indicated by the onset of symptoms in the form of red flags of fraud indicators, such as unethical behavior management. Red flag is usually always must be appear in every case of fraud is happening.
Mulford and Comiskey (2002) wrote a journal related to creative accounting, entit