
Accounting Essay范文:Creative Accounting Practices

日期:2023年11月13日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:974
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202311131450451310 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay
a euphemism referring to the accounting practices that may follow the letter of the rules of standard accounting practices, but clearly deviated from the spirit of the regulation.
Elements of Creative Accounting 创造性会计要素
According to Charles W. Mulford and Eugene E. Comiskey Creative Accounting split into several elements, namely:根据Charles W.Mulford和Eugene E.Comiskey的说法,创意会计分为几个要素,即:
Recognizing Premature or Fictitious Revenue 确认过早或虚构收入
Recognizes income premature or fictitious income is different if the terms of aggressive accounting. For premature revenue, recognition is in accordance with GAAP. Meanwhile, for the fictitious revenue, income is recorded in the absence of sales that occurred.
The shape of the premature revenue recognition of sales can be done when the goods are already booked, but has not been sent or the goods have been shipped, but not yet booked. Meanwhile, examples of fictitious sales are backdated invoices, delivery date modified, or deliberately false record sales.
Aggressive Capitalization & Extended Amortization Policies 激进的资本化和延期摊销政策
In an aggressive capitalization policy, the company reported expense or loss for the year as assets. As a result, the cost of admission is delayed and increased profit. Furthermore, assets or deferred expense is amortized over several years.
Misreported Assets & Liabilities 误报资产和负债
In many cases, the value of overvalued assets and / or liabilities undervalued with the aim of earning power is higher and stronger financial position. With a high profit, automatically retained earnings and equity value will rise.
Some potential asset accounts are reported overvalued accounts receivable, inventory, investments (which are classified as trading, held to maturity or available for sale). Liability account which recorded undervalued them are accrued expense payable, accounts payable, tax liabilities, and contingent liabilities.
Getting Creative with the Income Statement 在损益表中发挥创意
The game the numbers in the income statement occurs at speeding up or slowing down the recognition of revenues and expenses. In this case the profit is set for some of the reporting period.
In addition, the presentation of the report may be either single-step or step allows the company plays subtotal numbers, classification of accounts, financial statements and notes. For example, elements of business income reported as income beyond business or otherwise, expenses included in cost of sales in the group reclassified to operating expense account or opposite. Thus reclassification of course will affect the sub total gross profit or operating profit postscript is often used as a source of information for decision making.
Other examples are included in the accounting creativity in the income statement occurs in:其他例子包括损益表中的会计创意
The group accounts of expense / income are often in the netting. The company only reported a total of expense / income without elaborating the details of the account group. An example is a study conducted by the General Accounting Office (GAO) United States indicate the occurrence of a series of forms of creative accounting. The results of the study as quoted Stalebrink and Sacco (2007) found evidence that the US Department of Defense intentionally abusing accounting principles to shift the salary expense for the next reporting period in order to ful