Business Essay写作参考-比较公司绩效与目标.。本文是一篇留学生Business Essay格式范文,主要内容是讲述在公司组织中,分析的主要结果有三个:财务绩效、市场绩效和股东价值绩效。在这里,Essay将讨论SPL可以在人力资源管理、营销和生产部门之间提高业务绩效的持续改进和根本性变革。不同的模式,如4d模式、Kaijen(持续改进)、Radical Change和A项目计划,已经为square提供了对其业务进行根本性改变的计划,Essay作者认为这是SPL在全球扩张和赚取更多利润的必要条件。Essay已经讨论了SPL如何在其业务中应用,提高业务绩效以获得未来的成功,并成为制药业务的全球领导者。下面就一起来看一下这篇Business Essay写作参考范文的具体内容。
Within corporate organizations, there are three primary outcomes analyzed: financial performance, market performance and shareholder value performance. Here I am going to talk about continuous improvement and Radical change in which SPL can improve their business performance Interms of their HRM, Marketing and Production sector. Different models like the 4d model, Kaijen (Continuous Improvement) , Radical Change and A project plan has been given for square to make a radical change in their business which I think is a must for SPL to expand globally and earn more profit. Have been discussed for showing ways in which SPL can apply in their business and enhance Business performance for future success and be a global leader in pharmaceutical business.
Square Overview in Brief Square 简短概述
Square Pharmaceutical Limited (SPL) is the largest pharmaceutical company of Bangladesh. In 1982, the turnover of SPL reached to Taka. 240 millions and the number of employees went to near 400. In 1985, SPL achieved the market leadership in pharmaceuticals market in the country in terms of sales. By the year 1988, the number of employee reached to 750 and annual turnover goes to Tk. 550 millions. SPL adopted necessary steps in implementing facilities to manufacture a wide range of essential drugs within the jurisdiction of WHO recommendation. SPL has entered in the global market in 1987. (squarepharma, 2013)
Square Pharmaceutical Limited(SPL)是孟加拉国最大的制药公司。1982年,SPL的营业额达到了塔卡。2.4亿,员工人数接近400人。1985年,SPL在销售方面取得了全国药品市场的领先地位。到1988年,员工人数达到750人,年营业额达到5.5亿坦桑尼亚先令。SPL采取了必要步骤,在世界卫生组织建议的管辖范围内实施生产各种基本药物的设施。SPL于1987年进入全球市场。
3 sectors of SPL in terms of Business Improvement SPL在业务改进方面的3个部门
Human Resource Sector 人力资源部门
HRMfor SPL are the activities that it carries out to utilize its human resources effectively. “Staffing policy is concerned with the selection of employees who have the skills required to perform a particular job”(hills, 2013) so staffing for SPL is very important in order to run their business in terms of domestic and internationally by selecting the skilled people in divisions like HRM, Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Management and other divisions. Can also be a tool for developing an promoting the firm’s corporate culture, the organization’s norms and value system, and a strong corporate culture can help the firm implement its strategy. (hills,2013)
Marketing Sector Of SPL SPL营销部门
Marketing Sector of SPL concentrate its resources on the optimal opportunities with the goals of increasing sales and achieving a sustainablecompetitive advantage.Marketing of SPL includes all basic and long-term activities in the field of marketing that deal with the analysis of the strategic initial situation of SPL and the formulation, evaluation and selection of market-oriented strategies and therefore contribute to the goals of selling SPL products in domestic market and 38 countries worldwide. (squarepharma, 2013)
Present Markets of SPL SPL的当前市场
Square market its product around the world, in Europe, Asia, Africa and Central and South America. Below the country name are given where square exports their products.
Europe:UK Asia:Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cambodia, Fiji, Hong Kong, Iraq, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Taji