HRM essay写作范文-人力资源管理的作用和目的。本文是一篇留学生人力资源管理essay写作格式范文,主要内容是讲述人力资源管理在所有行业都发挥着至关重要的作用,尤其是在酒店业。本篇essay提出由于行业内的不断转型和增长,获得一支有效的人力资源管理团队的需求不容忽视。万豪国际等酒店已经意识到,其员工是其最大的资产,拥有一支优秀、熟练、勤奋的员工队伍可能是公司成败的关键。人力资源管理可以被定义为雇佣和发展员工的过程,以便高效、有效地利用他们来实现公司的目标和目的。以下就是这篇HRM essay写作范文的具体内容,供参考。
Human Resource Management plays a very vital role in all industries, especially that of hospitality. Due to the constant transformation and growth within the industry, the need to obtain an effective Human Resource Management team cannot be ignored. Hotels such as Marriott International has come to the realization that its employees are its largest assets and having a good, skilled and hardworking workforce can be the difference between the company’s success or failure (, 2004). Human Resource Management can be defined as the process of employing and developing employees in order to efficiently and effectively utilize them in the achievement of company goals and objectives (Parrilla, 2015).
Below are the findings related to the role, purpose, and functions of Human Resource Management in service organizations.
1. According to Amos et al., (2008) staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining and designing work are three major responsibilities of HRM in the service industry.根据Amos等人的说法,人员配置、员工薪酬和福利以及工作定义和设计是服务业人力资源管理的三大职责。
2. Maximizing productivity within service industries by optimizing the effectiveness and potential of the organization’s staff members is the purpose for which the HRM was created (Nickson, 2013).通过优化组织工作人员的有效性和潜力,最大限度地提高服务业的生产力,这是人力资源管理创建的目的。
3. Bolden-Barrett (n.d.) outlines in her article that recruiting, retention, compensation, liability and labor are the major roles in which the HRM manages.Bolden Barrett在她的文章中概述了招聘、留用、薪酬、责任和劳动力是人力资源管理局管理的主要角色。
4. (n.d.) through its research elaborated that “HRM function not only manages existing staff, it also plans for changes that will affect its future staffing needs.”通过其研究阐述了“人力资源管理职能不仅管理现有员工,还计划应对影响其未来人员需求的变化。”
5. HRM is often pressured into finding a level ground between the implementation of Hard or Soft HRM (Riley, n.d.).人力资源管理经常受到压力,在实施硬人力资源管理或软人力资源管理之间找到一个平衡点。
The service industry is greatly dependent on human resource rather than the resource needed to perform tasks within the organization. As a result of this, the service industry has invested a lot in ensuring that their HRM department is effective and have the necessary resources in order to carry out their functions. Bolden-Barrett (n.d.) outlines in her article that recruiting, retention, compensation, liability and labor are the major roles in which the HRM manages. She believes that by delegating a specific department to handle such roles it will relieve some pressure off management and also eradicate the deterrents that plague the service industry. Nickson (2013) reinforced the views outlined in Bolden-Barretts’ article by explaining that the purpose of HRM is to maximize productivity within service industries by optimizing the effectiveness and potential of the organization’s staff members. With this purpose in mind, the HRM would assess the company and determine what is lacking and also what it needs in order to succeed and reach its full potential. According to Amos et al., (2008) staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining and designing work are three major responsibilities of HRM in the service industry. When broken down further the department would be in charge of managing existing staff, recruiting & selecting new staff, laying off workers, providing training and assessment, mentoring & motivating, handling evaluation & compensations, building strategies, providing legal guidance for both employees and the company and most importantly implementing steps to retain current staff. In fact, Businesscase