
HRM essay写作范文:Role and Purpose of Human Resource Management

日期:2023年10月07日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:941
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202310071213369354 论文字数:4000 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay
uence, affect and change the supply and demand of human resources, the business will adapt to this changes with a plan in place.
HRM essay-Assess the current state of employment relations in Marriot International 评估Marriot International的雇佣关系现状
Introduction 引言
Employment relations refer to the total interaction or relationship between an employee and the employer (Nickson, 2013). This relationship is in regards to the establishment of employment conditions. The topic of employee relations in Marriot International is crucial because of the realization that a good employment relations program in an organization leads to the success of the organization. As an approach to effective employee treatment, an employment relation incorporates all issues in the workplace employer-employee relationship including equal opportunity, recruitment, organizational structure and, training and development (Lee and Way, 2010). This forms a basis through which the employees remain loyal to the organization and stay committed to fulfilling the objectives of the organization as required in the specific jobs (Lee and Way, 2010).
雇佣关系是指雇员和雇主之间的总体互动或关系。这种关系是关于建立就业条件的。Marriot International的员工关系主题至关重要,因为我们意识到,一个组织中良好的雇佣关系计划会带来组织的成功。作为一种有效对待员工的方法,雇佣关系包含了工作场所雇主与员工关系中的所有问题,包括平等机会、招聘、组织结构以及培训和发展。这形成了员工对组织保持忠诚并致力于实现特定工作所需的组织目标的基础。
Findings 调查结果
Below are the findings on the current state of employment relations in the service industry 以下是对服务业就业关系现状的调查结果
1. There is a significant growth in the number of workers and employers in the service industry. This growth has precipitated a selective approach by both workers and employers in finding their employers and workers respectively (Goetsch and Davis, 2013).
2. Employment relations is revitalized in the service industries as a result of consistent boycotts and strikes by workers in the service sector thus effecting talks on issues affecting the employees (Vidal, 2011).
3. Employment relations are currently being handled by unions representing the employers and the employees while the government stands as the mediator (Davidson et al., 2011).
4. As a response to boycotts and strikes, unions and management in the services sector are cooperating through corporate campaigns and neutrality agreements to ensure employment relations are improved (Nickson, 2013). They institute harmonization measures through arbitration and negotiation teams to settle grievances and disciplinary procedures in employment relations.
5. Low wages, sexual harassment and poor working conditions in the services sector have precipitated the increase in unions organizing strikes and calling for better employment relations agreements (Kusluvan et al., 2010).
Discussion 讨论
Employment relations in the hotel sector are important because it influences job satisfaction, customer retention and the success of the business. The fight to achieve better working conditions has been taken to the employers by employees. According to Kusluvan et al., (2010) low wages, sexual harassment and poor working conditions in the services sector have precipitated the increase in unions organizing strikes and calling for better employment relations agreements. Employee relations have affected how employers and employees select workers and employers respectively (Goetsch and Davis, 2013). Employers and employees look for organizations in the services industry where their needs and requirements will be met. Davidson et al., (2011) researched how HRM handled employment relations in the past and the present. The findings showed employment relations are currently