
英国Essay范文参考:Can Agencies Collaborate with Children and Families?

日期:2022年12月19日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1518
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202212190212259720 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay

英国Essay范文参考-机构能否与儿童和家庭合作?本文是一篇英国留学生essay写作范文,主要内容是讲述多年来,多机构工作并不是一个新的发展,它的重要性已被公认为机构间专业人员的合作,甚至早在19世纪中叶,卫生和社会工作者就携手合作,帮助英国减少贫困。多年来发生了许多变化,这些变化强调了密切参与儿童和家庭服务的机构之间合作的重要性。然而,尽管协作工作为患者、客户和专业人员本身取得了有益的成果。许多儿童仍然“因机构之间缺乏合作以满足他们的需求而失败”;这一点在 Victoria Climbié之死的周围环境中得到了体现。下面就请参阅这篇英国留学生Essay写作范文。


Collaboration between agencies working together with children and their families will never work. Discuss.讨论与儿童及其家庭一起工作的机构之间的合作永远不会奏效。
Multi-agency working is not a new development for years its importance has been recognised for professionals from inter-agencies to collaborate, even as early as the mid nineteenth centaury health and social workers, worked in partnership to help reduce poverty in England. (Cheminais 2009; 1) Many changes have occurred over the years, which have stressed the importance of collaboration between agencies working together who are closely involved in the services working with children and families. (Waller 2009; 152) However, in spite of the beneficial outcome collaborative working has achieved for patients, clients and for the professionals themselves. (Leathard et al 2003; 131) Many children are still ‘being failed by the absence of collaboration between agencies to meet their needs; and this was epitomised by the circumstances surrounding the death of Victoria Climbié’. Wilson et al (2008; 519)
This essay will discuss the collaboration between agencies looking at legislation and policies that the government has put into place to drive multi-agency working, the essay will also cover the benefits of Multi-agency working as well as the challenges and barriers between professionals working in health, social services and education. Furthermore, the essay will focus on private, independent and voluntary sectors discussing multi-agency working between them. Throughout the essay a placement of a medical centre (see Appendix) will be referred to where a Health Visitor (here after HV) will be discussed as to whether collaboration in children’s services is beneficial to children and families or if as literature suggests is failing.
Throughout this essay a variety of terminology will be used, according to Lumsden in Waller (2009; 156) ‘In practice, the terms partnership, collaboration, interagency work and working together are often used interchangeably and different professionals can have different interpretations of what they mean’. In this essay the following definitions will be used all to refer to agencies and professionals working together with families and children, these are defined below:
根据Lumsden in Waller的说法,在本文中,将使用各种术语,“在实践中,合作、协作、机构间工作和共同工作等术语经常可以互换使用,不同的专业人员可以对其含义有不同的解释”。在本文中,以下定义将全部用于指与家庭和儿童一起工作的机构和专业人员,其定义如下:
‘Collaboration‘ – Interdisciplinary process of problem solving, shared responsibility for decision making and the ability to carry out a plan of care while working towards a common goal’. (Mckay et al. 2008; 110)
‘Multi-agency working’ – More than one agency working with a young person, with a family on a project (but not necessarily jointly). It may be concurrent sometimes as a result of joint planning or it may be sequential.’ (Lloyd et al. 2001)
‘Partnership Working’ – ‘A collaborative professional working relationship with other in both the professional and para-professional world of all agencies who work jointly to deliver services to local children and families’. (Gasper 2010; 24)
‘Interagency working’ – ‘This involves two or more agencies working together in a formal and planned way, but each agency will maintain its own identity as it works alongside other agencies’. (Fitzgerald 2007)
When referring