
英国Essay范文参考:Can Agencies Collaborate with Children and Families?

日期:2022年12月19日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1518
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202212190212259720 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay
pite the governments backing of policies and produced reports there have still tragically been other victims. The inquiries of Victoria Climbe and Maria Colwell have identified a number of common themes; as Parton (2004; 82) describes ‘considerable confusion and a failure to communicate key information, so that as a consequence both children fell through the elaborate welfare net’.
“英国已经见证了30年的致命虐待儿童调查或严重案件审查。”“在此期间,根据“合作”指南第8部分,每年共有约40次公众咨询和50至90次本地案例审查。过去调查的这些可怕后果通过政策和实践的变化影响了向儿童和家庭提供的服务,但公共调查也发现了相似之处。该出版物报告发布30多年来一直在调查七岁的玛丽亚·科威尔的死亡,她不幸死于继父虐待。这场悲剧的死亡在社会上引起了震动,人们“下定决心不再发生这样的悲剧”然而,尽管政府支持政策并制作了报告,但仍有其他不幸的受害者。Victoria Climbe和Maria Colwell的调查发现了一些共同的主题;正如Parton所描述的那样,“相当大的困惑和关键信息的沟通失败,结果两个孩子都陷入了精心设计的福利网”。
‘Nevertheless failures of agencies to co-ordinate their efforts continued to be seen as a significant contributing factor in the death of children through abuse.’ Maynard (2004; 182) When yet another tragedy occurred in 2007 the death of ‘Baby Peter’ or ‘Baby P’, who suffered abuse from his mothers boyfriend a very similar case review to Victoria Climbe. ‘Canning et al (2010; 70) states ‘both children’s names will be a constant reminder to professionals of the shortfalls and failings that can occur in relation to the protection of the welfare of children’. Therefore working collaboratively continues to be a child protection theme, both in terms of government guidance and in primary legislation.’ Maynard (2004; 182)
As we have seen the consequences which can occur when mistakes are made in multi-agency collaboration, are often disastrous. Therefore preventative methods needed to be put into place, as part of the ‘government’s strategy for more integrated children’s services in 2003′ the development of the ‘Common Assessment Framework (CAF) and lead professional (LP)’ was established. Brandon et al (2006; 397) The CAF aims to ‘deliver frontline services that are integrated and are focused around the needs of children and young people’. (ECM 2009) The Framework ‘helps practitioners from a variety of agencies (health, education, social services, youth offending ect) to access children’s services earlier and more effectively, develop a common understanding of those needs and agree a process for working together to meet them’. Hall et al (2009; 81) Through developing the use of CAF different agencies can use the same assessment for families and children without overlapping or having multiple assessments for the child. An important role in CAF is the Lead Professional which is an ‘important part of the strategy, the Lead Professional is a single point of contact for children, young people and their families’. Hall et al. (2009; 82) The Common Assessment Framework aims to:
‘Reduce the number of assessments for children with additional needs to reduce stress on the chid and family 减少对有额外需求的儿童的评估次数,以减轻孩子和家庭的压力
Ensure that services delivered by multi-agencies to the same child/ family are appropriately coordinate to reduce overlap and gaps in service provision 确保多机构向同一儿童/家庭提供的服务得到适当协调,以减少服务提供的重叠和差距
To ensure professionals are aware other agencies are involved to share information about any concerns about a child’.为了确保专业人员了解其他机构参与分享有关儿童的任何担忧的信息”。
However there are also limitations to using the ‘Common Assessment Framework’, as it is a new form of assessment it will mean more of a workload for professionals and Lead professionals therefore it may hinder collaboration and children may slip through the net as professionals may be too busy filling in paper work,