Business Essay范文-非政府组织面临的管理挑战。本文是一篇留学生商务管理essay范文,主要内容是讲述Weirich&Koontz将管理定义为设计和维护一个环境的过程,在这个环境中,个人在团队中共同努力,有效地完成选定的目标或目标。他们还认为,管理适用于所有类型的组织(公共、私人、非营利组织),无论是哪个组织,管理者的责任都是以创造“盈余”的方式进行规划、组织、员工、领导和控制。这种盈余可能意味着私营部门的利润,或满足需求或产生积极影响,如非营利部门。因此,无论一个组织的成立是为了以盈利的方式销售汽车,例如丰田,还是为了满足穷人的迫切需求,例如粮食援助,如果要实现目标,管理都很重要。下面就是这篇Business Essay范文的全部内容,供参考。
Management has been defined by Weirich & Koontz as the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, effectively accomplish selected ends or goals (Weirich & Koontz, 2005). They also submitted that management is applicable to all kinds of organizations (public, private, not for profit) and that no matter the organization, managers’ responsibilities are to plan, organize, staff, lead and control in such a way that ‘surplus’ is created authors (Werich and Koontz 2005). This surplus could mean profit as in the private sector, or meeting a need or having a positive effect, as in the not for profit sectors. So whether an organization was set up in order to sell cars at a profit e.g. Toyota, or set up to meet the dire needs of the poor e.g. Food Aid, management is important if the goals are to be met.
However, while the importance of management in all spheres of human living has been highlighted by several authors, the reality of NGO management differs significantly from what obtains in the Public or the Private sectors. Fundamentally, management or managerialism has not been a major concern for many NGOs until very recently. Why was this so? What are the peculiar features of management in this sector? What are the important management challenges facing NGOs and why are they important? While management challenges abound in all sectors, this essay will explore those peculiar in the management of NGOs in order to answer these questions. It will also critically analyse the case study of Project Literacy, a South African NGO to illustrate how some of these challenges were responded to. The essay will focus more on the most important management challenges, which have been taken to be leadership, funding, accountability, performance monitoring & evaluation, and ‘scaling up’. There are many different kinds of NGOs, however for the purpose of this essay NGOs will be defined as are organisations that are non-political, non-profit, non-governmental, and accountable to their stakeholders and involved in welfare and socio-economic development of people (Rahman, 2007).
Since 1960, the number and size of non-profit organizations involved in international relief and development have grown substantially (Carroll, 1992; Clark, 1991; Fisher, 1998; Fowler, 1998; Edwards, 1999). As the sector has expanded, it has been subject to new competitive pressures. In the past, the word ‘management’ was considered synonymous with business management, but for NGOs, commercial activities are presumed to be against their non-profit mission and scored negatively. Since the last two decades NGOs themselves have realised the importance of management, and academicians along with NGO executives have also started thinking over the issues of vision, mission, strategic planning, goals, effective coordination and communication, human resource development, motivational strategies, bottom lines and leadership.
Today more NGOs compete for increasingly scarce donor resources. Both private and institu