MBA Essay范文-公共部门管理人员面临的挑战。本文是一篇MBA留学生essay写作范文,主要内容是讲述三个不同的经济部门有不同的管理水平。有非管理层员工、一线管理人员、中层管理人员和高层管理人员。本文将批判性地评估公共部门组织管理者面临的挑战。本文将评估管理者在这一领域的角色以及管理者在履行职责时遇到的困难。组织结构和设计带来的挑战(以北安普敦自治市议会为例)、组织文化带来的问题、一些公共部门服务的私有化、公共部门的战略管理以及这些组织运营环境不断变化带来的复杂性,以及最近全面预算削减对管理者的挑战,将在本文中进行评估。
The typical roles of a manager in any organisation is to organise, lead, plan and control the activities of the people and other resources within it towards achieving the objectives of that organisation; Naylor (2004). The role a manager plays is dependent on the level of management position although each level has its challenges. At the senior level, the manager’s role is much broader and in depth and it requires creativity and innovativeness; Robbins et al (2009). The senior manager is involved in decision making, strategic management planning and control, the manager, at this level of management is expected to have an understanding of all areas of the organisation to enable sensible handling of any given situation Hanagan;(2008).
The role of the manager did not change in the 21st century rather the method of carrying out the above mentioned roles are different, for instance the manager has to organise work differently, communication is more sophisticated such as, the use of internet, mobile telephones and e-mail. In recent times, the management of change is considered as the most important skill of management due to the pace of change in the 21st century Hanagan, (2008).The rapid changes in technology, enormous improvements in communication, the increase in focus on global economy, and the environment are issues to the modern day manager. In addition to the above, the role of the manager in the public sector is challenged by the constant changes in legislation and political policies subject to government in power Hanagan (2008).
An organisation is an arrangement which has been set up for a particular purpose. Robbins et al (2009). Different organisations belong to different sectors of the economy. There are three sectors; the public, the private and the third sector such as social enterprises. This three sectors have some common characteristics which are: they all have distinct purpose, each organisation is made up of people, and all create a structure within which the people could carry out their duties Robbins et al(2009).
Organisations are grouped as public sector depending on certain factors such as; how much the organisation competes with similar organisations, goods and services are charged indirectly and how much it allows itself to be influenced by demand and supply of goods and services. The les