
英国Essay范文参考:Can Agencies Collaborate with Children and Families?

日期:2022年12月19日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1518
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202212190212259720 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay
processes for all vulnerable children’. Barker (2007;5) The Working Together to Safeguard Children (2006) document underpins many important government legislations from the Children’s Act 1989, Children’s Act 2004 and the Green Paper Every Child Matters (DfES 2004)
In 2003, the Laming Report was made public and brought 108 recommendations for changes to children’s services at a national and local level, and within and between the different agencies and professionals. The Laming report led to the Green paper ‘Every Child Matters’ which set out five main outcomes for children to achieve there wellbeing, the legislation was aimed at children from birth to nineteen years. It was the tragic death of Victoria Climbe in 2000 which was one of the main contributions to the Green Paper Every Child Matters (DfES 2003) ‘The legacy of Victoria Climbie is that her death provided both the government and professionals with the permission to refocus on the importance of working together, thus integrated services are at the heart of the government initiative Every Child Matters, and the Children Act 2004 provides the legal framework to facilitate the programme of change’, Lumsden et al. in Waller (2009; 153)Victoria’s death was a result of horrifying abuse which was caused by her great aunt and her boyfriend. However Victoria was seen by many agencies ‘during her time in the UK Victoria was seen for health and welfare reasons, by a wide range of representatives from different social services departments, health services and hospitals as well as the police, but all failed to intervene appropriately to protect her’. Barker (2009; 9) Every Child Matters tried to build on existing plans put together by the government to strengthen preventative services, social exclusion and tackle poverty for children and families by focusing on four key themes; ‘Supporting parents and carers; Early Intervention and effective protection; Accountability and integration of services; and Workforce reforms.’ (Baldock et al (2007; p70) In 2004 Every Child Matters ‘Change for children’ was launched alongside the Children’s Act 2004, ‘providing the legislative spine for the wider strategy improving children’s lives’. Tunstill (2007; 26)
‘The United Kingdom have witnessed 30 years of fatal child abuse inquiries or serious case reviews.’ Reader et al. (2004; 96) ‘During that time there have been about 40 public inquiries overall and between 50 and 90 local case reviews under part 8 of the ‘working together’ guidance each year. Reader et al (2004; 96; Department of Health 1999) These terrible consequences of past inquires have influenced the services provided to children and families through changes to policies and in practice, however public inquiries have also seen similarities. It is over 30 years since the publication report was released looking into the inquiry of the death of seven year old Maria Colwell who tragically died from abuse of her step-father. This tragic death caused shock in society and there was ‘utter determination that such tragedies like this would never happen again’ Lonne (2008;18) However des