
帮写经济学assignment:Reform of north Korea's currency

日期:2018年09月05日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:未知 点击次数:1702
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201809051724589528 论文字数:0 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title


North Korean foreign ministry officials informed the diplomatic corps in Pyongyang, capital of the DPRK, on December 1, 2009 that the original north Korean currency was suspended from November 30 to replace the new currency. The exchange rate between old and new currencies is 1 to 100. According to north Korean officials, the change is intended to tackle inflation, crack down on black-market transactions and eliminate economic imbalances. But the reforms sparked anger and resistance among north Koreans, and market prices were chaotic. The main reasons for the failure of north Korean currency reform and its social impact are briefly analyzed.

朝鲜外交部官员于2009年12月1日向朝鲜首都平壤的外交使团通报说,原来的朝鲜货币从11月30日起被取消,以取代新的货币。 新旧货币之间的汇率为1比100.据朝鲜官员称,这一变化旨在解决通货膨胀问题,打击黑市交易,消除经济失衡。但改革引发了朝鲜人的愤怒和抵制,市场价格一片混乱。下面简要分析了朝鲜货币改革失败的主要原因及其社会影响。

The background of currency reform can be traced back to 2002, when north Korea implemented the "July 1" economic reform, price liberalization, commodity price rise, started to carry out independent economic accounting in production, and recognized the existence of profits. However, the limited economic achievements were mostly put into military use by Kim jong il's regime. Meanwhile, in recent years, north Korea has been constantly subjected to economic sanctions due to international dissatisfaction caused by the nuclear security issues on the Korean peninsula. North Korea's economy has not been radically overhauled by economic reforms. Instead, soaring prices have led to severe inflation, making life harder for millions of people.

North Korean markets and workplaces were disrupted between 11am and 14am after the November 30 decision to exchange the currency, according to north Korean media. After news of the currency reform broke, most residents in Pyongyang were confused about the reform and lost confidence in the currency. The dollar's black-market rate in north Korea is 1 to 2, 000 won to 3, 000 won after the revaluation.

After the implementation of the currency reform, it did not achieve the expected control of inflation and stabilize the black market. On the contrary, people tried to spend too much of the old currency before the deadline, leading to the soaring commodity prices and further economic chaos in north Korea. The reasons for the failure of this reform can be analyzed from both political and economic aspects.

Although the north Korean authorities have repeatedly carried out economic reforms, they have struggled to make significant progress, which is primarily attributed to the country's national development strategy. Much of the state's money has been invested in military development and has not paid enough attention to economic development, so a single currency change cannot fundamentally change north Korea's long-standing economic problems.

The currency reform was forced by the north Korean authorities to change the economic phenomenon of soaring prices and drastic currency devaluation caused by the 7.1 economic reform in 2002. Although officially aimed to eliminate the economic imbalance, the sudden implementation of the currency reform has instead caused social chaos. The main reason for this phenomenon is that the government announced the monetary reform without notice, and suddenly the personal savings accumulated by the people for a long time were "nationalized", causing the public's strong dissatisfaction.

The north Korean authorities used force to impose reforms and suppress the voices of discontent among the people, causing dissatisfaction with the government. At the same time, north Korean authorities set a cap on the amount of money that can be exchanged, and ordered Banks to deposit any money above that limit.

The planned economy is the main cause of the failure of monetary reform. The main purpose of this monetary reform is t