

日期:2018年02月27日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1208
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201612311047369526 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:澳大利亚 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Termpaper
d only Greece. The country's national debt weighs in at roughly 120% the size of its gross domestic product, or about $2.6 trillion.Italy has shouldered debt-to-GDP ratios well above 100% for about 20 years now, thanks largely to a government spending binge way back in the 1980s. In 1999, when Italy officially adopted the euro, its debt-to-GDP ratio was 126%.Since 2000, most measures of good government have been on a downward slope. Gross breaks out the following chart:

Task 2

Corruption and weak rule of law are poisonous for business. Beyond that, they also allow the country's robust underground economy to flourish.腐败和弱法治对商业有害。除此之外,它们还使中国强大的地下经济得以蓬勃发展.。

According to the graph the unemployment rate in Italy in January 2013 was 11.3% and in July 2013 it bounced up to 12.1%. The labour force participation rate in Italy in January 2013 was 2.005% and in July 2013 was 1.5%.

Task 3 Fiscal Policy: 任务3 财政政策:

Fiscal Policy is carried out by the government and involves changing:

Level of government spending
Levels of taxation
To increase demand and economic growth, the government will cut tax and increase spending (leading to a higher budget deficit)
To reduce demand and reduce inflation, the government can increase tax rates and cut spending (leading to a smaller budget deficit)
In a recession, the government may decide to increase borrowing and spend more on infrastructure spending. The idea is that this increase in government spending creates an injection of money into the economy and helps to create jobs. There may also be a multiplier effect, where the initial injection into the economy causes a further round of higher spending. This increase in aggregate demand can help the economy to get out of recession.