
term paper写作参考:Does Culture Influence the Marketing Strategies of MNCs?

日期:2023年08月28日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1122
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202308281442432091 论文字数:5000 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Termpaper
mpared to everyone being equal. Luxury brands are an identifier for the second part of this definition (a person’s position in a society)to show a high power distance (Mooij& Hofstede, 2010, p. 102-103).Therefore, in high power cultures adapting such a product strategy where much more value can be added to the product can prove successful for multinational companies. On the other hand, cultures with high power distance best fit skimming pricing strategy.
Cultures with uncertainty avoidance, a simple product strategy that is, offering basic products, with either penetration or economy pricing strategy, and less innovative promotional strategy will do it for multinational companies.
In masculine cultures an important factor is achievement, when combined with individualism, success can be shown, less so when combined with collectivism. Cultures with high uncertainty avoidance usually lack innovativeness and the wish for change. Although combining such cultures with high power distance, appeals like modernity and innovation provide status (Mooij& Hofstede, 2010, p. 102)
A family picture denotes collectivism in content analysis of advertising however it can also show individualism as people worry about shrinking families. Therefore marketers might not prefer using pictures of a family to show collectivistic cultures. The number of people in a family does not necessarily reflect individualism/collectivism. A better measure of this is using directness of communication, e.g. by comparing the use of personalized headlines (Mooij& Hofstede, 2010, p. 103)
3.0 Conclusion and summary:结论与总结
The main objective of this term paper is finding whether national culture has effect over the marketing strategies of Multinational companies. This term paperstarts with the definition and introduction of multinational companies. Culture being the main focus of this term paper, therefor this work has defined culture and has linked culture with multinational organizations by showing importance of culture before applying marketing strategies in international markets.
This term paperthen defines marketing and discuses the globalization of marketing in this era. Multinational companies either standardize or adapt their marketing strategies when operating in different cultures. This term paperhas identified and highlighted the point of view of both, the supporters of standardization and adaptation school of thought.
Next examples of countries where, multinational company’s marketing strategies were influenced by cultures are included in this term paper, to justify the selected title which is the influence of culture on multinational companies as discussed in the conclusion below as well.
3.1: Conclusion:结论
This term paper has stressed different examples such as, Sufficient amount of works has been used as an evidence from articles, journals and books where authors have written about the importance of culture to Multinational companies and has showed that failing to cope with cultural differences results in failure of multinational companies in international markets, such as Wal-Mart lost its market shares and was forced to leave the German, Korean and Japanese markets mainly due to difference in cultural. Frito-Lay American based multinational