for operating successfully in Dubai market. So as a result they replaced all their salad dressings, which had spirits as an ingredient (Guffey & Loewy, 2010, p. 80).
为了扩大业务;纽约三明治连锁店在迪拜推出了他们的新特许经营店NY Deli。在迪拜开业之前,他们确实测量了文化喜好,醋精和其他含有酒精的饮料不能在迪拜的公开市场上出售,只能在酒店房间里供应,也只能供应给非穆斯林。因此,他们不得不根据当地文化调整产品供应,他们认为这是在迪拜市场成功运营所必需的。因此,他们更换了所有以烈酒为原料的沙拉酱。
Domestic markets are becoming concentrated, due to which big companies such as Wal-Mart are eyeing overseas markets. As they don’t expect huge sales at home market. Another reason for globalization of markets is the trade agreements. The United States, Mexico and Canada are involved in free trade due to the GATT (General agreement on tariffs and trade).
2.5: Standardization vs. adaptation of Marketing Business Strategy 营销业务战略的标准化与适应性
Standardization and adaptation were considered as two opposites, traditionally. Firms either adapted a new strategy or apply a universal strategy in all foreign markets where they were operating. However these two elements are seen as two extremes. With companies adopting either the one or another or adopting a mix of these two strategies’ (chhabra, 1996; Ozsomeret al, 1991; Whitelock and Pimblett, 1997) cited in (Fernie, 2005, p. 71).
Several studies conducted by authors have tried hard to identify the background and history of adaptation and standardization. A detailed study on the marketing strategies of US based MNCs operating in European markets, conducted by Boddewyn and associates reported that, between 1973 and the early 1980s standardization was most common and was increasingly being used, however there was a shift from standardized marketing strategies, and companies started using adaptation marketing strategies’ in the early 1990s. Furthermore it was identified that the chief factors which act is a barrier for standardization, were differences in consumers habits and tastes, competition, technical requirements, nationalistic sentiments and government rules and regulations (Boddewyn, 1989 and Grosse, 1995) cited in (Fernie, 2005, p. 71).
chhabra’s (1996) study about the American based multinational companies operating in North America specifies that differences in the market was the main reason for the implication of adaptive marketing strategies, cited in (Fernie, 2005, p. 71).
In order to be successful, MNCs should use a mix of both the approaches. Their strategies should include elements of both the strategies. effectiveness and gaining advantages of both the concepts means that MNCs must standardize certain marketing strategies and marketing mix elements on one hand, but on the other hand should apply adaptive marketing strategies where required, in order to cope with clear market needs. Market complications, and the goal of cutting the costs encourages the companies to use standardization, while customer orientation may lead them to consider product adaptation (Vrontis and Kitchen, 2005; Vrontis and Papasolomou, 2005) cited in (Vrontis, Thrassou, &Lamprianou, 2009, p. 482).
Figure: 4.0 Reasons for adaptation and standardisation 图:4.0适应和标准化的原因来源
Supporters of standardization concepts argue that in recent past with the growth of MNCs, standardizing the marketing mix elements can reap potential gains (Buzzell 1968) cited in (Vrontis, 2003, p. 284).
On the other hand supporters of the adaptation school of thought oppose the supporte