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日期:2023年05月27日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:832
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202305271751457864 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study
saction. Also, the company had made annual savings of $50 million by subcontracting the processes to India and US.
Q.2: The Otis unit of United Technologies illustrates differences that occur in a worldwide firm as it manages alliances. What are some of the other differences illustrated? What other issues should be considered?联合技术公司的奥的斯分公司说明了一家全球公司在管理联盟时出现的差异。还说明了哪些其他差异?还应考虑哪些其他问题?
Answer: In case of OTIS, one of the subsidiaries of United Technologies, it was observed that the move by United Technologies to subcontract the process to India had some initial difficulties although the project was successful. The subcontract brought thirty applications to India. OTIS saved around $5, 00,000. But the company was facing trouble in coordinating the different projects in different locations. Hence, OTIS opened a dedicated center which was run by Wipro in Bangalore. This helped the company to bring back consistency of services and coordination in the different OTIS projects which were then under once center.
It has been seen that there are certain inherent disadvantages which a company faces when it subcontracts its process to a different country. The major problem arises when the company is into multiple projects. This creates a lack of coordination and control in the foreign country, It is better in such cases for the company to hand over the services to a single organization who will be running all the projects on behalf of the company. These issues are to be considered by any company who is trying to subcontract to some other country.
Case Study 4:
Q.1: What do you see as the primary integration issues facing the new acquired units? How did IBM address the issues? What should they do next?您认为新收购的单位面临的主要整合问题是什么?IBM是如何解决这些问题的?他们下一步该怎么办?
Answer: In 2002 IBM took over PwC as a merger.IBM is a technological firm whereas PwC is a consulting firm. Hence, the merger created some initial troubles for the employees of both the organizations. IBM was looking to adopt the consulting services of PwC on how to implement different technologies like ERP, CRM and SCM services. The merger combined 30,000 employees from consulting unit of PwC with 50,000 employees from the IBM consulting unit. IBM was operating as a specific corporation whereas PwC is a partnership firm. Hence, it was an area of concern. IBM was dealing with the issues related to infrastructure and PwC dealt with providing consulting services and solutions to the clients. The cultures were also different. It happened that the clients of PwC were beginning to feel concerned that they might be forced to purchase the IBM products as the result of the merger. These were the major issues.
IBM developed a three stage process to deal with the issues. Firstly, it cancelled the deal, and gave back the initial operating model to the unit. It declared the President for the unit. IBM offered lucrative incentive packages to retain the employees. In the second stage, a new operating model was created to incorporate several main factors of the business. These happened in 2002. The last phase happened in 2003. In this stage the IT processes and systems of both the companies were incorporated and the true integration of the companies took place. IBM also laid-off 5,000 of its employees in order to make way for Pw