

日期:2018年08月16日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1007
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201808072143518107 论文字数:3247 所属栏目:论文摘要
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文摘要 Abstract

摘 要





第四章,论述马哲中国化的“会通”,探究毛泽东在对待理论与实践、外来思想与本土文化上的实践智慧, 分析毛泽东对马克思主义的调节性运用,在中国传统文化自我更新和自我创造的逻辑中理解毛泽东的思想活动,揭示毛泽东在会通马克思主义与中国实践中所生成的理论范式,阐发当代马哲中国化从革命走向和谐的范式转换与观念变革。





The Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy is more than the spread of MarxistPhilosophy in China. It is not only the ideological theory of the combination ofMarxist Philosophy with the Chinese reality, it is Chinese nation's theoretical thinking,practical exploration and spiritual pursuit, based on its own cultural tradition and thereality. And it contains the Chinese nation's appeal: the pursuit of national ego andthought ego. The Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy is in a sense the characterizationof the self-consciousness of Chinese nation. Studying the Sinicization of MarxistPhilosophy actually is to reveal the Chinese nation's thinking and choice in tension ofthe theory and the practice,the reality and the ideal.

Based on the understandings as above, the basic framework of this article is asfollows: In the first chapter, we review the basic situation of the current academiccircles' research on the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy, in order to illuminate thevision of cultural consciousness of studying the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy.

We should stand on China's position to explain China, and consider the Chinesenation's spirit of persuing dream using the thought of the practice philosophy in thecivilization continuity of traditional Chinese and modern Chinese .

In the second chapter, we reveal the peculiarity of the Sinicization of MarxistPhilosophy research, tease out its practice spirit and cultural deposits, and analyze itsinternal relevance with the China Road and the Chinese culture. We indicate that theSinicization of Marxist Philosophy is not an academic philosophy, but the Chineseideology rooted in Chinese culture and originated from the practice.

In the third chapter, we perceive the “knowledge environment” of the sinicizationof Marxist Philosophy according to the transformation of Chinese's cultural viewsince the late Qing Dynasty, to experience the culture spirit of the Chineseintellectuals, and survey the cultural psychological foundation of Marxism enteredChina. We analyze the intellectual conditions before the introduction of Marxistphilosophy in China. We dissect how Chinese intellectuals make a selectiveabsorption and creativity reconstruct of historical materialism and dialecticalmaterialism in tension of the “tradition” and “anti-tradition”, “constructive use” and“regulatory use”. We reveal the unconscious continuity between the Sinicization ofMarxist Philosophy and Chinese traditional culture, and