(翁云妹 译)
[2] "Unemployment Insurance's Time-varying Impacts on Re-employment Wages"
Kailing Shen (沈凯玲), Xiamen University, China (厦门大学王亚南经济研究院)
Abstract: Whether or not Unemployment Insurance (UI) coverage actually improves unemployed workers' job match quality is an old, yet open question in the empirical studies, although job search theories often claim the positive answer. A major problem with previous research is lack of control for the endogeneity between unemployment durations and reemployment wages, which should be two outcome variables of one single optimality strategy of unemployed individuals. The reservation wage (function) of an unemployed worker should determine the distributions of both his unemployment duration as well as his reemployment wage.
In this paper, I re-examine the impact of UI coverage on reemployment wages using Canadian micro-level panel data (Survey of Labor and Income Dynamics). The log-likelihood function used here, endo