

日期:2018年04月20日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3477
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201804022144518647 论文字数:3415 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background and Significance of the Thesis
While dealing with the background of this research, it can be discussed from many angles.However, there are two angles that will be mentioned briefly: international communication andEnglish teaching reform.Since the early 20  century, oral English teaching and learning have received widespreadattention in our country for the trend of increasingly closer international relationships. Nowadays,with the deepening of reform and opening-up, and the entry into the WTO, we need more andmore communicative talents with foreign languages.In 2007, in order to adapt the new situation of the rapid development of higher education,the Ministry of Education of our country promulgated the English Course Requirements forCollege Students, which emphasized that the teaching objectives of college English arecultivating students' integrated English application abilities, especially listening and speakingabilities, for the purpose of letting them effectively use English to communicate in social life inthe future and in the mean time, enhancing their autonomous learning abilities and improvingtheir cultural cultivation. It is easy to see that these requirements ftilly stress the importance oforal English. Why is oral English more important when compared with other English skills? Thedefinite answer to this question is that language is a tool of communication for human beings.
As for the significance, the theory of education believes that the whole life of a person is aprocess of learning and learner is the centre in this process. Independent learning ability andeffective learning strategies are the "guarantees" of successful learning. There is a saying:"Teach a man how to fish rather than give him a fish." Only grasp some learning strategies canwe learn better through our whole life. Now that oral English is so important in the process ofEnglish learning, it is very necessary to study how to help learners improve oral English abilitythrough implementing learning strategy, for among all the previous studies, English learningstrategy is an important topic. When referring to oral English learning strategies, we can findmuch information about cognitive strategy and communicative strategy from the publishedworks. For example, A Course in English Language Learning Strategies and Study Skills (ZhangWeiyou, 2004) mainly introduces some cognitive and communicative strategies, such aslinguistic foundations, how to create chances to speak with conversational skills. Teaching andResearching Speaking (Rebecca Hughes, 2005) discusses oral English teaching methods fromthe cognitive aspect and introduces some communicative methods.
In 1960s, Georgi Lozanov started the trend of affect research. According to hisSuggeatopedia, during the learning process, we should use the suggestion to let learners under the condition of unconsciousness and let them feel happy and relax. And then, Silent Way, TotalPhysical Response, and the Natural Approach and so on are all attached so much importance tolearning affect. Nowadays, in order to promote the all-round development of learners, manyscholars at home and abroad undertake comprehensive studies on affect which include attitude,motive, character, anxiety, confidence, empathy and so on. They devote themselves to findeffective affective strategies to strengthen the positive affect of learners, and avoid negative one.As a result, some useful findings have be