

日期:2018年04月20日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3477
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201804022144518647 论文字数:3415 所属栏目:英语论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
en found.However, when compared with cognitive strategy and communicative strategy, the researchof affective strategy in oral English teaching and learning is relatively less. Besides, there aresome misunderstanding ideas in the early researches which just pay too much attention to thedevelopment of cognitive ability, while neglect the function of affective factors that cause theweak learning effect and the vacancy of learners' affect. Judging from this aspect, it can be foundthat affective factors are still a necessary and vital topic for the present research. As for Chineselearners, many facts have proved that affective strategy has the most obvious influence on theiroral English communication in the process of learning. Oral English is a complicated process forChinese learners. Sometimes, we can not achieve successful communicative result although wehave rich linguistic knowledge. The major reason is that our affect will greatly influence ourcommunicative behavior and outcome because it has the functions of motility, direction,maintenance, adjustment and intensifying. Positive affect will keep learners in good learningconditions, exploit their potentials, improve the quality of the acquiring language and pick up thespeed of language acquisition. While negative affect will hamper the progress of Englishlearning and reduce the desired effect. Thus, it's very necessary for us to find out the effectiveaffective strategies to strengthen learners' development of positive learning affect and avoid theinfluence of negative factors, thus, they will be helped to achieve accuracy and fluency in oralEnglish.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

Before conducting the research, it is necessary to deal with some related concepts, theoriesand previous studies. As to the term "affect", we must have a general understanding of thefollowing: what emotion is and what affect-related factors it contains; and what relationships thatconnect learning and affective strategies closely; then, what people have already done in thisfiled. All these are introduced below one after another in this chapter.

2.1 Some Relevant Concepts
In this section, it is necessary to introduce some relevant concepts first all for the sake ofhelping us to obtain a general picture of emotion. Frankly speaking, all the concepts presentednext are however drawn from other theoretical books after the present author's carefully reading.

2.1,1   Affect and Affect-related Factors
From now on, many scholars have defined the term "affect". Although they have their ownway of expression, the essence is alike. The term affect has to do with aspects of our emotionalbeing, however, as Fehr and Russell (1984) has noted, "Everyone knows what an emotion is,until asked to give a definition". It's not easy to define the term though everyone can feel it.Damasio (1994) makes a distinction between the terms of emotions (changes in body state inresponse to positive or negative situations) and feelings (perception of these changes). Arnoldand Brown (2000) consider affect broadly as aspects of emotion, feeling, mood or attitude whichcondition behavior. A more comprehensive definition is given by Apelt and Koering (1997)。

Chapter 3 Research Design........... 22-25 
    3.1 Research Purposes and Questions........