

日期:2018年09月11日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2141
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201411052145042277 论文字数:40567 所属栏目:英语毕业论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Motivation of the Present当前动机

AuthorConsecutive interpretation is one of the most important forms of interpretation. Itplays a more and more important role in a growing number of fields. Ever since the20th century, the communication between different countries has been intensified dueto wars, agreements and international conferences, etc. And therefore the demand forinterpreters has increased, resulting in the rapid development of interpretation. CI alsohas made a great development. Professional interpretation became known to the worldon Paris Peace Conference in 1919 and then was widely applied on differentoccasions (Bao,2011). However, the study of interpretation has fallen behindcompared with that of written translation. And within the study of interpretation,current studies are mainly based on interpretation skills and methodologies. The studyof the working mechanism of consecutive interpretation has drawn less attention.Theories based on the research on the surface, for example research of CI skills, canonly help resolve problems of a certain type because it is hard for these theories toembrace the origins of various problems. Once there are any problem variations,theories based on the research on the surface are not able to help any more. Thereforein order to find a fundamental way for research, it is important to figure out a moreapplicable theory that is able to account for most of the phenomena in consecutiveinterpretation. Although interpretation is a type of activity based on language, merelystudying the language cannot explain the various phenomena in consecutiveinterpretation activities. But in CI, it is actually through verbal speeches thatparticipants communicate with each other. Although language is a system that all thespeakers share, personal speeches vary. As Saussure claimed, language is differentfrom speech. “By distinguishing between language itself and speeches,we are at thesame time separating (1) what is social from what is individual; and (2) what isessential from what is accessory and more or less accidental" (Saussure & Riedlinger1983:30,31). Speeches are different from people to people, but the subject of languageor speeches and the mechanism of speeches are identical. Thus the fundamentalmethod is to study humans and the relation between humans and language.Neurolinguistics is regarded as such a type of interdisciplinary approach thatstudies the relation between language and brain and how language is acquired,produced and understood in brain.Besides, it is necessary to study the process of interpretation to improve the finalquality of interpretation because interpretation results from the process. Every littledetail in a result can be traced back and magnified at a certain point in the process.And by clearly knowing the interpretation process, it is easier for us to deduce thereason behind certain interpretation results.For the reasons listed above, the author has tried to study the process ofconsecutive interpretation from the perspective of neurolinguistics.

Significance and Objectives of the Thesis论文的意义和目标

Neurolinguistics is a much more different discipline from traditional linguistics.It not only relies on the development of theory but also depends on