

日期:2018年09月19日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2208
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201411041134057607 论文字数:43986 所属栏目:英语毕业论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

Chapter One Introduction第一章绪论
本章简要介绍了古英文最古老的史诗以及最早的白话英国文学 - 贝奥武夫,引言还包括对史诗“贝奥武夫”的前期研究以及空间指示语的概念,其次是研究目的,意义和方法。 论文的。

This chapter briefly introduces the oldest surviving epic poem of Old English and also theearliest vernacular English literature - Beowulf, The introduction also comprises theprevious studies on the epic poem Beowulf^ as well as the notion of space deixis, followedby the research objectives, significance and methods of the thesis.

1.1 Research Background研究背景

盎格鲁-撒克逊时期的英雄史诗《贝奥武夫》是8世纪和11世纪英国文学史上最重要的作品之一,在英国取得了举国瞩目的地位(安格斯,1983)。《贝奥武夫》这部原创文化作品的许多方面都曾有过研究,但与其他文学巨著一样,也是研究者们取之不尽、用之不竭的资源。本文旨在对以古代斯堪的纳维亚为背景的英雄史诗贝奥武夫(Beowulf)的两个不同现代版本中的空间指示语进行对比分析。贝奥武夫(Beowulf)由3182行诗句组成,包含着英国最古老时期的丰富文化资源和历史内容。特定的空间指示语蕴含着象征主义的内涵,反映了盎格鲁-撒克逊时期英国人的世界观和意识形态。学者们也进行了类似的分析:《纯粹与阳光的对比:贝奥武夫的海洋变迁》(弗兰克,1986)和《贝奥武夫的基督徒视角》(戈德史密斯,1991)。《贝奥武夫》中空间指示语的不同翻译给现代作家提出了不同的解释和理解问题。空间指示语是英语诗歌中最重要的元素之一,它反映了英语诗歌的历史文化背景,尤其是隐晦的诗歌,蕴含着古老的象征意义。通过对空间指示语的分析和现代阐释的比较,进一步了解贝奥武夫的神话、宗教和文化。本文比较了现代史诗贝奥武夫的两个著名译本在空间指示语翻译方面的异同,并对其语言、神话、宗教和文化内涵进行了比较研究。从语言学的角度来看,S的研究还没有深入细致地研究。然而,以往的研究并未对空间指示语及其符号化内容给予特别的关注。此外,在贝奥武夫的研究中,语言学与神话宗教研究相结合的观点是前所未见的。The Anglo-Saxon heroic epic poem Beowulf,compiled during the 8th and 11th century, isone of the most important works in English literature, which has achieved national epicstatus in England (Angus, 1983). Many aspects of this original cultural work have alreadybeen previously studied, however,Beowulf, as all the other great literature works, is aninexhaustible resource for researchers. This thesis is dedicated to the comparative analysisof space deixis in two different modem versions of heroic epic poem Beowulf,Beowulf,which consists of 3182 lines,with the set in ancient Scandinavia, containsrich cultural resources and historical contents in the most archaic period in English history.Specific space deixis, containing symbolism connotation, reflects the worldview andideology of English people in the Anglo-Saxon period. Scholars have conducted similaranalysis; contrast of Mere and Sund: Sea-Changes in Beowulf (Frank, 1986) andexploration of Christian Perspective in Beowulf (Goldsmith,1991). The differenttranslations of space deixis in Beowulf raise the questions of different interpretation andcomprehension of the authors in modem time. Space deixis is one of the most importantelements in English poem, reflecting its historical and cultural background, especially inepic poems, containing archaic symbolism. Through the analysis of space deixis andcomparison of its modern interpretations, further understanding of mythology, religion andculture in Beowulf be acquired. This thesis compares two renowned modem versions ofepic poem Beowulf in the field of space deixis translations and presents a comparativestudy leading to its linguistic, mythological, religious and cultural connotations.Considering most of the studies carried out,it is possible to find that deixis in generalhas not been thoroughly and specifically studied, in the extent ranging from linguistics tomytho-religion. However, previous studies didn't draw specific attention on space deixis,and its symbolism content. Furthermore, the perspectives of combination of linguistics andmytho-religious studies are previously unseen in the study of Beowulf. As Beowulf \s ofgreat significance beyond linguistics, the angles for analysis therefore must be multilayered.The principal method of this thesis will be based on comparative method. In this thesis,thetwo modem translations of space deixis in Beowulf are analyzed by three inter-relatedmethods, namely comparative linguistics,comparative mythology and comparative religion.In comparative linguistics,etymological analysis is mainly used to study the difference intranslations, with the emphasis on tracing different linguistic origins. In comparativemythology, Indo-European and Germanic mythological parallels are analyzed, with theemphasis on spatial parallels. In comparative religion,Germanic paganism and Christianityare compared and analyzed for the different tr