

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2649
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201007121758102788 论文字数:12532 所属栏目:英语毕业论文
论文地区: 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
摘要:广告几乎无所不在,它引起了诸如语言学家,心理学家,社会学家、经济学家、美学家以及信息专家的浓厚兴趣。自从20世纪60年代以来,很多外国学者已就广告英语这个课题开展了大量的研究工作。在研究中,他们运用了各种语言学理论解释和分析广告英语并且撰写了大量具有启发性的著作和文章。中国学者也开始就这一领域进行系统的研究,并取得具有一定深度的成就。此篇论文尝试对广告英语的性质、风格和特征进行比较全面系统的阐述和分析。 本文由六个章目构成。作者在第一章中介绍了什么叫广告,通过引用可口可乐公司的广告策略和美国销售协会对于广告的相对简明扼要的定义,探究了广告英语的本质。之后,作者列举了两种不同的广告手段:视觉性广告和听觉性广告。前者一般来说包括了标题、正文、口号、补充项目、插图、商标、品牌、饰边和空白空间;而后者是由广告旁白、音乐和音响构成。听觉性广告被广泛地用于广播、电视和电影中。本文仅就广告的标题和正文中的英语进行集中的分析。本英语毕业论文由英语论文网www.51lunwen.org整理提供在本章的结尾,作者提出了本文将论述的焦点:即广告英语的词法、句法、修辞和性别歧视特征。 在第二章中,作者解释了广告英语之所指,并第一次提出了广告英语的风格这一概念,而这也将是本文论述的焦点。再者,作者提出了广告英语的整体特点,也就是说,根据G•里奇的观点,为了服务于广告的功能,其语言应具有引起注意价值、记忆价值、可读性和促销力。更为确切的说,它应具有吸引力、有趣、便于记忆和具有说服力。在本章结尾,作者介绍} AIMA (Attention, Interest, Memory, Action)原则,并作为小标题对它们分别作了介绍。 第三章论述了广告英语的词法特征:1.使用简单易懂的词语;2.创造新词语;3.运用动感性动词;4.运用复合词。 在第四章中,作者概括了广告英语的句法特征:1.使用命令句和祈使句;2.使用疑问句;3.对句子结构进行变异。 第五章论述了广告英语的修辞特征:即运用双关语、暗喻、拟人、对偶、排比等修辞格。 本文的最后一章谈到了英语语言,尤其是广告英语中的性别歧视特征。英语语言学和社会学的某些深层因素导致了广告英语中性别歧视特征的广泛性和明显性。 本文经廖瑛审阅,他是我的同事,更是我的导师。廖瑛教授在百忙中对该文提出了宝贵的意见和建议,付出了辛勤的劳动,作者在此谨帮写论文致以衷心的感谢。
ABSTRACT Ubiquitous in many aspects of the world, advertising has aroused great interest oflinguists, psychologists, sociologists, economists, aesthetes and communications experts.Since the 1960's, researches have been undertaken on the subject of English for advertisingby many foreign scholars who have employed various linguistic theories in their studies andaccomplished a great number of illuminating books and articles. By comparison, Chinesescholars are beginning to make a systematic and penetrating achievements in this area. Thisthesis attempts to provide a comparatively comprehensive and systematic account andanalysis of the style of English for advertising. The thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter One is an introduction of advertising. Itprobes into the nature of advertising by way of citing Coke's advertising management policy.Then a comparatively precise and concise working definition of advertising by AmericanMarketing Association (AMA) is given. After this, the author illustrates two different meansof advertising: visual and audio. The first means usually contains the headline, the body copy,the slogan, the supplementary items, the illustration, the trademark, tile brand name, thedecorative border and white space. The second, composed of advertising commentary, musicand sounds, is used extensively in broadcast, television, movie, etc. In this thesis, only theanalyses of the language used in the headline and the body copy are concentrated on. At theend of this chapter, the author states the focus of discussion in this thesis, i.e. themorphological, syntactic, rhetorical and sexist characteristics of English for advertising. In Chapter Two, the thesis explains what "English for advertising" refers to and for thefirst time the author presents to the readers the concept of "style" of English for ads, which isto be the focus of attention in this dissertation. Furthermore, the author mentions the overallfeatures of English for advertising. i.e. according to G. Leech, in order to serve the functionsof advertising, the language must have attention value, memory value, readability and sellingpower. To be more precise, the language has to be attractive, interesting, memorable andpersuasive. At the end www.51lunwen.orgof this chapter, the author introduces the principle of AIMA (Attention,Interest, Memory, Action) into the thesis. They can be considered under the respective.

Abstract ............................III
Chapter One: Introduction..............................1
    1 .Advertising.........................................1
    2. General Aspects of English for Advertising"...............................1
    3. Advertising Defined ..........................2
    4. Elements of Advertising.............................3
    5. The Importance and Functions of Headlines........................4
    6. The Fun