

日期:2018年09月18日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2188
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201411062045028509 论文字数:41454 所属栏目:英语毕业论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

Chapter One Introduction第一章节 介绍

1.1 Research Background研究背景

Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic region,and the population of ethnic minority accountsfor about 60% of Xinjiang's total population. The minority students are a specialgroup of English learning in Xinjiang. They are exposed to the bilingual environment(Uyghiir and Chinese) at birth and live in a very special multicultural communitysince their childhood,which provides them with an innate advantage for a foreignlanguage learning. Most of minority students have a special gift for language learningand they are capable of accepting new things quickly. In addition,due to tiie relativelytypical multicultural and multilingual social environment, tiie minority students aremuch easier to adapt themselves to different cultures and customs.The minority college students, as the elite of their ethnic minority groups, aremore sensitive to cultural diversity. They often need to adapt themselves to a newcultural environment which is different from their familiar native culture. There is abig difference between Chinese culture represented by the Han nationaiity andEnglish culture represented by the English-speaking peoples. Meanwhile, there alsoexists a big difference between Xinjiang minority cultures and the Han culture. Theminority college students are not only influenced by the Han culture, but also affectedby English culture in their English learning. The culture shock which they may sufferis far greater than that faced by Han students. This cultural conflict is bound to afifecttheir English learning. The minority college students will not only suffer a lot ofdifficulties in English learning, but also have great advantages over Han students, Features of Ethnic Minority Education in XinjiangAs we all know, Xinjiang is located in China's western border and its historicaland cultural background is different from any other province in China. Because thesocial,economic and cultural development of Xinjiang is relatively backward,it istrue to the development of education. It has long been inhabited by 12 original ethnicminority groups speaking different languages in Xinjiang, and many of the minoritystudents,English teaching plays a significant role for cultivating high-quality minoritytalents, developing the social economy in the ethnic minority regions and bringingethnic minority culture to the world.

1.2 The Purpose and Significance of the Study

The Purpose of the StudyIn the ethnic minority areas of Xinjiang, Uyghur college students have alreadylearned two or more languages,such as Uyghur, Kazakh and Chinese, so tiiey areexperienced bilinguals. They are apt to compare the similarities and the differencesbetween their mother tongue and L2 or L3,and thus they have different psychologicalcognition and learning orientation towards third language acquisition. Especially inethnic minority areas, Mandarin Chinese is learned earlier and is most widely used intheir daily life; whereas English,as a foreign language,is learned later and is onlyused in English class or on very limited occasions. Minority students will certainlyhave different perception in mind toward the two languages.During my teaching of Uyghur college students, I have found that many Uyghurcollege students have high enthusiasm for and interest in English learning. Meanwhile,most of Uyghur college students also show high language talent in English learningand their English pronunciation is general