Throughout the history of interpretation studies, the perspective of research hasalways been changing. The present thesis is determined to study consecutiveinterpretation from the perspective of neurolinguistics for two reasons: the trend ofinterpretation studies and the nature of consecutive interpretation.
1.1 The History (Trend) of Interpretation Studies
Though oral interpretation came into being before written translation did, thedevelopment of interpretation studies did not really match that of written translation.Interpretation emerged as a profession after World War 11. Since 1952 when JeanHerbert published Manuel de Vinterprete: comment on devient interprete deconferences the study of interpretation has gone through more than 60 years duringwhich research measures have evolved from learning lessons from experiences tomore scientific ones. According to Xiao Xiaoyan, the history of interpretation studiescan be divided into four stages (Xiao, 2002) Pre-research periodThe first period is called Pre-research period starting from the 1950s and lastinguntil early 1960s. This was the period when interpreting research had just begun, sothere were not many theories connected with it at that time. The study then wasmainly focused on the discussion of personal experience from CI practitioners. Thequestions discussed include the requirements for interpreters, problems encounteredin the process of interpretation and the impact of such elements as the relation withclients and fatigue on the production of interpretation. The research measures weremainly observation and reflection. There were not any theories in pre-research period.The study of CI has entere