

日期:2022年02月05日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1312
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202201231042384232 论文字数:35855 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
mainly focus on film and television subtitle translation, the development ofsubtitle translation, subtitle translation strategies and subtitle translation from other aspects,such as subtitle translation teaching, dubbing and subtitle translation comparison, filmtranslation acceptability and audience expectations,etc.


Chapter Three Theoretical Framework.......................... 14

3.1 The introduction to Communication...................... 14

3.2 The introduction to the 5W-mode of Communication........................ 14

3.3 The connection between 5W-mode and subtitle translation............................16

Chapter Four An analysis of the Chinese-English Translation of the Subtitles in TheUntamed..............21

4.1 The introduction of The Untamed............................ 21

4.2 Communicator-oriented methods and techniques............................ 21

Chapter Five Conclusion..........................45

5.1 Main Findings.........................45

5.2 Limitations and suggestions............................... 46

Chapter Four An analysis of the Chinese-English Translation of theSubtitles in The Untamed

4.1 The introduction of The Untamed

The Untamed is set in a magical world in ancient China. It mainly tells the story of WeiWuxie and Lan Wangji, who are not afraid of the evil and fight to free people from the yokeof those in power. Once the play was released on Tencent in 2019, it became a smash hit inChina. Since then, many fans have taken to promoting the play on overseas social platformssuch as Twitter and Youtube. In October, Netflix, the largest streaming video platform inAmerica bought the right of The Untamed, marking the official spread of the play overseas.

In the “3.3” of Chapter Three, the thesis has illustrated that the translator manipulates thewhole process of translation. The Untamed is a mirror that reflects the social value of ancientChina and people’s different definitions between evil and justice. It is a kind of output oftraditional Chinese culture and national spirit. The language content and characteristics ofactors have specific cultural color to some extent. In subtitle translation, the translator, as thesubject, plays a dual role in the process of communication. The translator is not only areceiver of the original information but also a disseminator of target information.


Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Main Findings

Based on the 5W-mode of Communication, the thesis analyzes subtitle translationmethods and techniques used in The Untamed, and draws following conclusions.

(1) From the perspective of communicator (translator) in subtitle translation, thetranslator controls the translation process and plays the role of “gatekeeper.” “Idiomatictranslation” and “synthesis” make the translator exert the subjectivity, helping the translator tocontrol the translation process.

(2) From the perspective of content (transmitted information) in subtitle translation,“flexible translation” reflects the diversity understanding of the translator towards the content.“Literal translation” and “free translation” not only reflect the form and style of the content,but transmit the meaning of the content.

(3) From the perspective of the media (subtitle) in subtitle translation, “condensation”and “deletion” meet the time and space limitations of subtitles and keep the synchronizationof language and image.

(4) From the perspective of the receiver (the target audience) and effect in subtitletranslation, “addition” and “shift” consider the language habits and cultural backgrounds ofthe target audiences, achieving a good communication effect.

All in all, the overseas promotion of Chinese film and television is a part of the strategyof Chinese culture “going out,” and it is also one of the effective ways to tell Chinese stories.The subtitle translation of those works aims to spread Chinese culture and share Chinesestories. Combined with the 5W-mode of Communication, the thesis aims to providereferences for relevant translation practice in the future.
