2.1.1 Analysis of Original Text Features
As what has been mentioned in the part Requirements of the Translation, theproject to be translated concerns the oil and gas proved reserves and it belongs to theinformative text. According to Reiss, the language function of the informative text isto present the objects and facts. It is the “plain communication of facts”, including theinformation, knowledge, opinions, etc. The language dimension used to transmit theinformation is logical or referential and the content or “topic” is the main focus of thecommunication (Reiss, 1977/1989:108-9). Therefore, the biggest feature of this text isauthenticity and accuracy of the information and subjectivity. The frequent use ofzero-subject is the embodiment of this feature.
Secondly, the sentences in this project are often loosely-structured complexsentences. Complex sentence means a sentence which contains one or more dependentclauses, in addition to its independent, or main, clause (Richards, J.C., 2002). SinceChinese is a paratactic language, the clauses of these complex sentences have hiddenand complicated logical relations among each other.
Thirdly, there are abundant terminologies concerning geological structures, suchas “断距”, “正断层 and the types of rocks including “叶肢介页岩” etc. As the translator lacks background information about geology and some relevant conceptions,it is necessary for her to look up parallel texts in this field.
Table 2-1 Functional Characteristics of Text Types and Links to TranslationMethods (translated and adapted from Reiss 1971/2000)
2.2 Translating Stage
This part deals with the description of the translation process after thepreparation work is done, which mainly includes two parts, namely glossary buildingand translation with Jeemaa.com.
2.2.1 Glossary Building
There’s no doubt that the unification of terms is the embodiment of thetranslator’s professionalism and serious attitude. If there appear several translationversions of one noun or a noun phrase, it will make the target readers feel very bad.Since the translation of certain Chinese terms cannot be proved to be accurate or notby just looking up the electronic dictionaries, Wikipedia, Bing, Baidu and Google areall good choices to make sure the translation of terms. During this translation project,the team leader has established a chat group on the application Cuckoo (the Chinesename of “布谷鸟”) for facilitating the translators to unify the translation of terms withhigh frequency. Sometimes, she will also notify the translators the translation of termsin advance. The establishment of the term table is finished when the translation workis done because the glossaries have been upgrading during the whole translationprocess. The term table covers 121 glossaries which frequently occur in thetranslation project and the term base table can be seen as follows.
Table 2-2 Term Base
Chapter Three Translation Difficulties and Solutions................................19
3.1 Differences Between Chinese and English Complex Sentences.....................19
3.2 Translation Difficulties of Chinese Complex Sentence into English..............20
Chapter Four Translation Evaluations and Suggestions..............................65
4.1 Company Feedback and Self-evaluation...............................65
4.2 Suggestions for MTI Students.................................66
Chapter Four Translation Evaluations andSuggestions
4.1 Company Feedback and Self-evaluation
Upon the submission of the translation project, the translator has receivedfeedback both from the team leader and the Linguist Translation Services in Chengdu.
In general, the team leader Wang Shuang speaks highly of the translator’sperformance. She observes that the translator has earnest attitude and has finished thetranslation task not only in the scheduled t