

日期:2021年11月04日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1177
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202110201307356597 论文字数:76566 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ime but also with relatively good quality. Inaddition, Mrs. Wang affirms the translator’s good English language proficiency andtranslation skills. In the meantime, Mrs. Wang also points out some drawbacks of thetranslation such as the grammatical mistakes that should be avoided during theprocess of self-proofreading and some syntactical errors and unidiomatic expressionsdue to the translator’s lack of looking up enough parallel text.

Besides the team leader, the Linguist Translation Services has also given afeedback to the translator. Generally speaking, the company has given positiveevaluation to the translator’s conscientious attitude and high sense of responsibilityshown in her translation.

Lastly, the translator also makes self-evaluation. During the period of doing thetranslation project, the translator’s totally committed to it. Generally speaking, thetranslator thinks that she has done the job well. First of all, she has submitted thetranslation of 30,000 words on time. Secondly, the quality of the translation isapproved by the team leader. Thirdly, she has been cautious and earnest when doingthe translation work. When she meets any problems or difficulties, she tries to look upparallel text to solve them first. If she can’t solve the problems by herself, she will askthe team member or leader for help. All in all, she has learned a lot in this translationtask, because she have not only improved her capabilities on translation, but alsobroadened her vision in this process as she has gotten a chance to get to know another field that she used to be unfamiliar with.



This paper is a translation report based on the C-E translation task entitledIncreased Natural Gas Proved Reserves of Bajiaochang (BJC) Gasfield, which isentrusted by the PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company and the LinguistServices in Chengdu is in charge of the C-E translation task.

In this project, the author has found that since Chinese emphasizes on parataxiswhile English focuses on hypotaxis, translating Chinese long complex sentences intoEnglish is most difficult to handle with. Exactly speaking, the translation difficultyexists in how to translate the five kinds of Chinese long complex sentence intoEnglish properly. Therefore, under the guidance of Text Typology Theory, the authorhas carefully analyzed the differences between English and Chinese and summarizedcorresponding C-E translating techniques to deal with the translation of the five typesof Chinese complex sentences as follows

Ⅰ. Translating Chinese causality complex sentences into English by thefollowing translation steps and techniques:

·Semantic analysis+ Confirmation of the primary semantic level

Translators should read the original Chinese causality complex sentence carefully,and confirm the semantic levels, especially the primary semantic level.

·Adopt the translation technique of linear translation+addition

If the sentence order is the same with the English counterparts, adopt lineartranslation technique. Besides, adopt addition by adding semantic markers of causalrelation such as “thus”, “as”, “therefore”, “because” “because of” etc. if the logicalrelation between the main clause and the subordinate clauses is hidden.

·Adopt the translation technique of inversion+addition

If the chronological and logical order of the main clause and the subordinateclause in the Chinese complex sentence is not exactly the same with English, adoptthe translation technique of inversion. Besides, adopt addition by adding semanticmarkers of causal relation such as “thus”, “as”, “therefore”, “because” “because of”etc. if the logical relation between the main clause and the subordinate clauses ishidden.
