
中英交传的简洁表达技巧—基于 2016 年乌镇世界互联网大会

日期:2018年08月11日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1271
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201807181046193886 论文字数:23635 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
st if it is needed. Abstaining from usingabbreviations, however, can contribute to wordiness. As seen in the examples below, Iforgot to use abbreviations in my rendition of the speech and repeated lengthy stringsof words multiple times.

Example 6


At present information technology represents a new round of technological revolution.Information technology and economic and social development are closelyinterconnected...

Information technology is often abbreviated to IT. Ordinary people all over theworld are already familiar with this abbreviation. In China, most of the peopleunderstand what IT is, whereas some of them would have trouble with decipheringEnglish term information technology. We can assume the audience of Big Data Forumconsisted mostly of technology enthusiasts and experts. There was no risk they wouldnot understand the abbreviation. In the example above we can see how using the longform of a term when there is a shorter equivalent, unnecessarily elongates theinterpretation.


Chapter 3 — Conciseness techniques........................ 16

3.1. Eliminating redundancies...................16

3.2. Reducing lengthy expressions.....................18

Chapter 4 — Conclusion..................24



1. Transcripts of the original speeches....................27

2. Transcripts of the interpretations........................31

Chapter 3 — Conciseness techniques

3.1. Eliminating redundancies

One of the most apparent redundancies are pairs of words that imply one another.They include:

In their nature, gifts are free. There is no such thing as memories of the future.Emphasizing that differences are various is unnecessary and so on. There are twosolutions we can use in such instances. One is to simply delete the modifier as seenbelow:


Chapter 4 — Conclusion

The analysis of the transcripts focused on the most common factors contributingto wordiness in interpreting. They can elongate the time of delivering the translationand negatively affect the communication between the speaker and the listeners, whichinterpreters are supposed to facilitate. Such issues include redundancies, such aswords implying one another, unnecessary modifiers, and category words. Amongfactors elongating delivery are also lack of abbreviations, overusing clauses,nominalizations, expletives at the beginning of a sentence and lengthy phrases. Poorlyorganized sentences and lack of prioritizing can also pose a challenge to conciseness.

These problems made my renditions take more time to deliver than the originalspeeches took in the first place. Since Chinese words are shorter, on average, thantheir English equivalents, interpreters are allowed to take a little bit more time, whileinterpreting from Chinese to English. However, my interpre