
中英交传的简洁表达技巧—基于 2016 年乌镇世界互联网大会

日期:2018年08月11日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1300
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201807181046193886 论文字数:23635 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter 1 — Case introduction

1.1. Choice of material

The case study is based on a mock conference organized at ShanghaiInternational Studies University, with Big Data Forum held at World InternetConference Wuzhen 2016 as the subject material. The interpreters were first dividedinto pairs, sent to interpreting booths and then shown the video recordings of thespeeches delivered at the forum. Among the speakers, there were native Chinesepeople speaking Mandarin and foreign guests with English speeches. I wasresponsible for the consecutive interpreting of two Chinese speeches.

The first one was greetings from the secretary of Chinese Academy of Sciences— Deng Maicun. Then I interpreted a speech about big data circulation by Yu Xiaohui.I was informed about the speech material in advance. The first speaker mainlyfollowed the script and was talking at a natural pace. The content of the speechincluded some technical terms and many names of organizations. Mister Yu wasmostly improvising, based on the presentation projected on the screen behind him. Hewas changing the tempo quite a lot, sometimes talking in an unorganized manner,adding many verbal fillers such as 那么,这种,就是说,的话,我们的 (not shownin the transcript for the sake of clarity). His speech was more technical and includedmore specialized terminology.

Some expressions used by the speakers do not have direct equivalents or fixedtranslations in the English language, which posed a great challenge to expressing theideas clearly and succinctly. Another factor negatively affecting my ability to deliverthe interpretation concisely was the pressure of time.


1.2. Problems envisaged

The examples below show the most common conciseness challenges in theEnglish language. It is envisaged that the problems in the table will reflect the issuesfound during the analysis of the transcripts.


Chapter 2 — Case analysis

2.1. Redundancies

While interpreting, we should eliminate expressions that cover the same scope ofmeaning as previously used words. Words that imply one another do not only makeinterpreters’ rendition more lengthy. They also make us sound less professional in theeyes of our audience, as this kind of redundancy is easy to detect by the listeners.

Example 1


These issues are widely discussed worldwide by many different people from all walksof life.

In the sentence above, descriptive words imply one another, which makes someof them redundant. Let’s take a closer look at the first cluster of words in question —widely discussed worldwide. Widely can be defined as including a lot of differentplaces, people, subjects, etc., worldwide means existing or happening in all parts ofthe world. While these two words are not synonymous, the meaning of worldwidecovers the same range as widely, which makes the latter unnecessary in the Englishtranslation above. If something is happening in all parts of the world, it goes withoutsaying it also includes a lot of different places and people. Such redundancies mayoccur in interpreting when we start translating word for word, instead ofdeverbalizing.

The same case can be made with many different people from all walks of life. Allwalks of life describes all professions or socioeconomic classes, which by definitioninclude multiple individuals. Descriptors many and different can be omitted withoutchanging the meaning of the sentence.


2.2. Lenghty expressions

Lenghty expressions are not necessarily redundant elements of a sentence inthemselves but they can be easily replaced with more concise wording options,reducing the total volume of speech in an interpretation. One thing that should be mentioned in this section are abbreviations and acronyms. They should be used withcaution. Interpreters should always consider, if their audience is familiar with givenabbreviation and introduce the full name fir