3 POST-TASK EVALUATION .............................9
3.1 Evaluation on pre-task preparation ........................9
3.2 Self-assessment ....................10
4 CASE STUDY .......................11
4.1 Liaison interpreting in business settings .....................11
4.2 Visibility of interpreters ..........................12
4.3 Case study ....................13
5 CONCLUSION .........................23
5.1 Major findings ...........................23
5.2 Limitations ........................24
4.1 Liaison interpreting in business settings
As the task takes the form of liaison interpreting, and is closely related to company business,the author turns to books and references related to liaison interpreting in business settings sothat the author could have a general understanding of this task.
There are more and more companies seeking for international opportunities, withadvancement of China's reform and opening up as well as the acceleration of economicglobalization. This usually requires interpreters to deal with business and commercialactivities, and information and technology exchanges. Chen says all these activities orexchanges would be impossible without the involvement of interpreters.
The task the author received needs the author to be a liaison interpreter in a businessmeeting. At the same time, this task also requests the author to understand the businessbetween two companies, and topics they will talk about. In business interpreting, things theinterpreter should often do includes: picking guests up at the airport, guiding guests to ahotel, informing guests of their schedule, and helping guests with their issues andaccompanying guests during their business travel (Zhang, Li 2003).
5.1 Major findings
To sum up, an interpreter’s visibility consciousness is necessary in the liaison interpreting.During the interpreting, the interpreter’s totally invisibility is impossible. Since liaisoninterpreters are always in a dynamic atmosphere, the interpreter needs to play different rolesto push forward the smooth ongoing of communication. By using different interpretingstrategies, the interpreter consciously select, reduce or add information to ensure her clientsbetter understand what others have said. The use of interpreting strategies reveals aninterpreter’s visibility. Interpreter’s visibility helps to push forward the ongoing of thecommunication to some degree.
During the interpreting process, the interpreter’s visibility is presented in the followingtwo aspects. First of all, the interpreters realize that their function has exceeded in playing arole in th