The issue of language collocations is considered a major challenge for non-native speakers and ittakes years of exposure to the language for a non-native speaker to get the competence sufficient toacquire acceptable collocational knowledge. And although different approaches have beenemployed to identify and define collocations, little research has been done on how to deal with themwhile interpreting or translating. Collocations are word combinations (such as heavy smoker or tomake a speech), and they cannot be translated or changed at will.
Every interpreter in any language can face this problem, and their translations are regarded as anessential element of native-like communication. Different studies imply that there are differences inthe way people process collocation knowledge while interpreting. In this paper, I will focus on thecollocational mistakes that I made during a mock conference, while analyzing the causes as well asthe possible strategies that interpreters can apply to translate them in any language. It isdemonstrated that learners rely on their mother tongue customary roles to translate collocations,when they cannot come up with an immediate solution (as it is required in consecutiveinterpreting ). This is why I decided to add the fourth chapter, in which I illustrate the interferencesof Italian language (my mother tongue) on my interpreting performance.
During my 2.5 years of Master‘s Degree, I experienced a lot of difficulties regarding my Chineseand English interpreting skills. This is because in consecutive interpreting, an interpreter is requiredto develop and use a native-like use of the language, in order to convey the meaning in the mostsuitable and understandable way. These years of interpreting training helped me realize my limitsand weaknesses, but also understand the meaning of a proficient language use and the impact itcould have on my future interpreting career. Among all the struggles and challenges that I havefaced, I believe that my biggest problem is related to the fact that I do not have developed a deepand detailed knowledge on collocations.
This is why I decided to write my dissertation on this topic, there is no easy way to face collocationproblems, because as idioms or way of sayings, they are most of the time customary or culturalcombination of words. This means that we cannot always find the reason behind the combination oftwo or more words. While interpreting, I often encounter word combinations that I am not familiarwith, and most of the time I mistranslate them, or I translate them in ways that sound awkward oruncommon for a native speakers.
I want my paper to be an instrument to comprehend this difficult and yet fascinating subject. I dobelieve that my research can help not only me, but also other students and interpreters facing thisproblem in any language.
This study can provide the reader (and me ) with definitions, examples and strategies, to help themdevelop a background knowledge on the subject, and to find ways to deal with collocations whileinterpreting.
Collocation, as defined by McCarthy (1990: 12): “ is a marriage contract between words, and somewords are more firmly married to each other than others. It is an important organizing principle inthe vocabulary of any language.”
Collocations are a particular type of lexical combinations of two or more words. The two wordstend to occur together, to be collocate one with the other with more frequency than others. Forinstance, in English we say to make a mistake instead of to do a mistake. The expression to do amistake would be understood by a native speaker, but it would result in an awkward or uncommoncombination. Collocations play an important role in