Collocations have been studied for a long time, and different academics and linguistics tried to givea definition of them.
Firth, who first used ―collocation‖ as a technical term, defined them as combinations of words thatdo not depend on the semantic context. ―The habitual collocations in which words under studyappear are quite simply the mere word accompaniment, the other-word material in which they aremost commonly embedded” (Firth, 1968: 190-215) . According to Firth, collocations are everyhabitual co-occurrence of individual words. The word meaning depends on the other words it iscombined with. Hausmann described collocations as a specific type of sentences, somethingbetween free combinations of words and idiomatic expressions. ―They are combinations that arefrequently used together‖ (Hausmann, quoted in Berisic Antic, 2016: 264).
Sinclair provided further insights into the concept of collocation in relation to its lexical andgrammatical aspects by proposing the ideas of upward and downward placement. Collocation is theoccurrence of two or more words within a short space of each other in a text. (Sinclair 1991: 170)Cowie‘s study (1998) focused on collocations as they are defined in the ―Russian school‖ ofphraseology. In this literature, collocations are defined as combinations of words in which eitherwords take on meaning that they would not take on in another context, or there are arbitraryrestrictions, words that are arbitrarily blocked (e.g. commit + something wrong/ illegal).―Collocations are also defined as groups of words depending on the text in which they are found‖.(Lewis, 1996). Je ek wrote that they are a combination of words, and the choice of one wordinstead of another is influenced by the second word, which gives the specific meaning thecollocation wants to convey ( Je ek 2005, 178).
Chapter Three Case Description …………………………7
3.1 Mock conference ……………7
3.2 Analysis of the mistakes ……………......8
Chapter Four Causes leading to collocation problems ………………19
4.1 Language – Culture …………………..19
4.2 Influence of Italian on English and Chinese collocations ………....20