

日期:2018年09月14日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1716
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201410211801324138 论文字数:35687 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


1. The Significance of International Business Communication andTranslation

With our global market being increasingly mature, developing international market hasbecome the main channel of expanding business for medium and small-sized enterprises. Itcan be seen that since domestic market has almost reached saturation, in order to seek furtherdevelopment, many companies have shifted their target market to overseas market. Therefore,business communication enjoys an increasingly significant role in every aspect for companieswho want to expand overseas market.As the tendency of economic integration intensified, it is urgently needed for enterprisesin every country to be involved in the international economic communication and cooperation.China is no exception. The success of entering WTO has brought abundant opportunities forChinese enterprises to access international market overall. With further deepening of reformand open-up, China’s economic connection with other countries is much closer than ever, andbusiness cooperation with other countries is becoming more and more frequent. Therefore,business communication is playing an increasingly significant role in enhancing efficiency ofbusiness activities. Communication being an important means of information exchanging, it islike a bridge connecting different cultures and ideas. Effective communication would bebeneficial to reach consensus between communicators.As English is not the native language for the Chinese, the translation of Chinese andEnglish, to some extent, means winning and losing in the business battlefield. In businesscommunications, translation would help convey necessary messages to the other side and helpthe two sides conquer language barriers, which make communication smooth and effective.And thanks for this, the quality and efficiency of business activities between China andwestern countries will be increased.

2. Feasibility and Importance of the Thesis

Since business English belongs to English for Specific Purposes and values its highlypractical function, translation of business English requires a theoretical guide that focuses onthe study of achieving different purposes of different text type. Skiopostheorie happens to bethe appropriate translation theory suitable for business English translation. Becauseskopostheorie lays emphasis on the purpose of original text and tries to achieve the expectedgoals of the target text. Translation purposes determine the corresponding translation strategy,which is highly applicable to business text translation. Therefore, it is safe to say thatapplication of skopostheorie to business text translation is not only plausible, but is also oneof the most suitable theories to guide it.The significance of the thesis lies in the combination of skopostheorie with concretematerials of business text translation. Based on the abundant achievements that have beenmade by forerunners in the field, the author manages to explore how skopostheorie woulddirect the translation process in the business field. According to the author’s research andanalysis in the thesis, it can be found that skopostheorie would help choose the suitabletranslation methods to achieve expected purposes of business text translation. Therefore,skopostheorie is of great importance to both academic studies and practical use of businesstext translation.

3. Outline of the Thesis

The thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter one is literature review, mainlyintroducing detailedly the definition and text classification of business English, and theresearch history at home and abroad.Chapter two is theoretical framework, mainly elaboratingon the emergence and development of skopostheorie, and also explains some basic relevantprinciples. Chapter three focuses on the research of text features of business English atdifferent levels, and the corresponding translation principles. Being the most important part ofthe thesis, chapter four mainly studies the guiding role of skopos