
软件操作教程的典型句式结构汉译浅析——以The Non-Designer’s Illustrator Book 一书的翻译为例

日期:2018年09月25日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1566
论文价格:50元/篇 论文编号:lw201409281245403059 论文字数:55502 所属栏目:英语翻译学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment

1.  Introduction 介绍

1.1  Background of this report 背景研究报告

Illustrator是市场上最受欢迎的商业艺术设计图形软件之一。 商业艺术设计在20世纪后期逐渐发展起来,作为现代设计的重要组成部分,它与工业生产,现代文明和现代社会商业生活密不可分。 商业艺术设计涵盖了广泛的职业类别,包括:环境艺术设计,展览设计,广告设计,室内设计,包装设计,工业产品设计,服装设计,标志设计,企业CI设计等。 非设计师的Illustrator Book介绍了插图器软件操作。因此,选择本书的翻译作为例子来讨论典型的句子结构和翻译策略是软件教程中的代表。
With the rapid development of modern information technology, the translation of science and  application  texts  is becoming  more  and  more  important.  The  translation  of  software operating  tutorials  belongs  to  the  field  of translations  of  the  applications  of  science  and technology,  which  gradually  replaced  the  translations  of  literary materials.  This  happened after  30  years  of  Reforms  and  Opening  Up,  in  China.  Huang  Lilian,  who  talked about  the translation of applications in his “Application of Translation Theory and Teaching Library” Series of books, pointed out that the research of application translation was set up earliest, but yet more theory needs to be found, and the translation theories both at home and abroad are relatively weak. There are two main reasons for this situation: One is the weak foundation of the translation of the application. The second point  of  weakness  is  from  the  wide  range  of research  aspects  for  theorizing.  There  are  a  few  studies  of  typical  sentence  structures  of applications and its translations in China and abroad, such as Fanwu Qiu’s Talking about the English  translation  of  technology  (2001); Yanjun  Ren’s  New  ideas  about  Scientific Translation  (2010),  but  the  study  of  the  typical  sentence  structures, especially  in  software operating tutorials and their translations, is very seldom seen.  

Illustrator  is  one  of  the  most  popular  commercial  art  design  graphics  software  on  the market. Commercial art design was gradually developed in the late 20th century and as an important part of modern design, it has had an inseparable tie with the industrial production, modern civilization and the modern social and commercial life. Commercial art design covers a  broad  occupational  category,  including:  environmental  art  design,  exhibition  design, advertising design,  interior  design,  packaging  design,  industrial  product  design,  costume design,  logo  design,  corporate  CI design  and  so  on.  The  Non-Designer's  Illustrator  Book introduces Illustrator software operations. Therefore, choosing the translation of this book as an  example  to  discuss  the  typical  sentence  structures  and  translation strategies  is representative in the software tutorials. 

1.2  Purpose of this report 

According  to  the  International  Localization  Industry  Standards  Association  (LISA) survey, the global translation market is accelerating with the globalization process, and, so far, the rapid development of the Chinese domestic translation market has maintained a growth rate of more than 50% per ye