

日期:2021年06月09日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:819
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202105291554488085 论文字数:33566 所属栏目:MBA论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

The Pacific region’s diversity is remarkable, it is made up of countries and territories with varyingland sizes, populations, natural resources, economies and cultures. The main economic sectorswithin the pacific region are agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and tourism, Remittances play anincreasingly vital role within the economies of Pacific SIDS, contributing directly towardseconomic growth and sustaining livelihoods, including meeting education and basic needs.

Geographic isolation from the rest of the world and the small land areas and population sizes ofSIDS give rise to unique and challenges for sustainable development Pacific SIDS aredisadvantaged from diseconomies of scale in production and exchange of goods and services,remote isolation from vital export markets and a high vulnerability notwithstanding thesechallenges, the environment, culture and uniqueness caused by isolation has created a robusttourism industry with potential for continued growth. Isolation has also created resilientcommunities with strong traditions, cultures and coping capacity. It’s paradoxical that pacificSIDS are also described as resilient social systems which may succumb to a “knock- out” event atany time.

Table 1: Definition of SME’s

Table 1: Definition of SME’s


1.2 Problem Statement

Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are a distinct group of developing countries that are knownfor vulnerabilities resulting from their small populations, limited export base, higher exposure toglobal economic disruptions and ominous natural disasters.

These challenges posed by SIDS to SMEs causes the arise of the following challenges in SMEs;

This study aims on exploring/assessing the feasibility of sustainable SMEs, how to promotesustainable enterprises - SMEs and how these SMEs in the Pacific region can create employmentopportunities and reduce vulnerability.

The main objective of the study was to identify the main challenges for SMEs in Small IslandDeveloping States (SIDS) and using Samoa as the case study, also it is to find solutions into howto promote sustainable enterprises - SMEs and how these SMEs in the Pacific region can createemployment opportunities and reduce vulnerability. That is, it aims on how to assist theestablishment of new enterprises, and encourage the growth of existing micro and smallenterprises, which show potential.


Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction.

Literature review seeks to critically analyse the work and submission of other authors and writersrelating to the subject matter been researched in a dissertation, as cited by Jankowicz in Saunderset al (2009). Writers concede, literature review as a means of having a grounded understanding ofthe subject matter, which then presents varying research opportunities whilst at the same timerecognising the work of others in that area for either supportive role or for critiquing(, 2016).

As such, this chapter intends to identify the most relevant portions of discourse and ideaspostulated by earlier writers, which will be utilised to create more understanding about this topic.The research will also seek to present practical solutions through the identification of gaps oruncharted areas of this topic which also brings it to alignment with Saunders, who promote thatsuch research allows for gaps to be identified and strategies formulated (Saunders, Lewis andThornhill, 2016).

This literature review describes aspects connected to the study of the challenges faced by SMEsin Samoa. It therefore follows a particular layout. First, some definitions relating to SMEs aregiven, which is followed by looking at the characteristics of SMEs in Samoa. This paves the wayfor the discussion of their contribution to the