

日期:2021年06月09日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:824
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202105291554488085 论文字数:33566 所属栏目:MBA论文范文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
to conditions that may impact on results of the study (O’Leary,2004) but are outside the control of the researcher. The following are some of the mainlimitations of this study;

The time for the study was not enough to carry out intensive and extensive study, notablythis work was done in eight (8) weeks only which were not enough to exploit everyopportunity I got, like it was difficult for me to conduct Questionnaires hence I only usedinterview questions to collection primary data.

 Noting that, SIDS face many challenges as shown in this thesis, to explore more you needmore funds. So the establishment of SMEs in South Pacific region is a very difficult taskto this society and other difficulties are caused by culture and education level rather thanthreatening climate changes. So to provide a more convincing work on establishment ofcommunity-based enterprises - SMEs need to be carried-out in detail.

Poor infrastructure both transport and communication in rural areas which led to failure toconduct interviews in rural areas.

Language barrier because I failed to reach-out Samoan citizens that are not familiar withEnglish language.

The focus of this study was mainly for Samoa’s SMEs.

There is broad agreement that SMEs can become effective creators of employment, innovation,income and growth. However, many of them do not realize their full potential because they lackaccess to markets, finance, and technology and business skills. Globalization and liberalizationhave compounded these traditional problems of access. Production is now knowledge- based andcompetition occurs on the basis of both continuous innovation and price. Entrepreneurs need tomuster design, have extensive knowledge of markets and technology, and become innovative.
