uation as well as the entity economy historical development and the present situation, and deals with financial crisis's measure take the US as the model, how to deal with the economic crisis for our country to provide the reference; The third part for the hypothesized economical and the entity economy's relational discussion, through to the overseas economy in both relations' research, manifests the hypothesized economy to the entity economy influence, and gives the policy comment according to the above.本毕业论文由无忧论文网www.51lunwen.org整理提供
Through to our country hypothesized economy and the entity economy's relations' research, has obtained several viewpoints: First, the hypothesized economy is evolves from the entity economy comes, therefore the hypothesized economic development must take the entity economic development as a premise; Second, the hypothesized economy has the promoter action to the entity economy's development, the correct capital proportion can play the protective function to the entity economy's development; Third, the good economic environment can promote the hypothesized economical and the entity economy communal development.
Keywords:The hypothesized economy The entity economy Financial crisis Relations
0导论: 1
0.1 研究背景 1
0.2 研究意义 1
0.3文献综述 1
0.4研究方法和文章结构 2
0.5创新观点及不足 3
1美国次级贷款与两种经济类型概述 4
1.1美国次贷危机爆发的原因 4
1.2实体经济和虚拟经济概念的提出 4
1.2.1实体经济的概念 4
1.2.2实体经济的特征 5
1.2.3虚拟经济的概念 5
1.2.4虚拟经济的特征 6
2 我国虚拟经济概述 7
2.1我国虚拟经济的发展历史 7
2.2我国现阶段虚拟经济的发展程度以及受到的制约 7
2.3美国金融危机的爆发对我国虚拟经济发展的启示 9
3我国实体经济概述 本毕业论文由无忧论文网www.51lunwen.org整理提供10
3.1我国实体经济的发展现状 10
3.1.1综合国力显著增强 10
3.1.2温饱问题基本解决 10
3.1.3经济发展带来了人民生活的改善 10
3.1.4短缺经济悄然逝去 11
3.1.5市场配置资源的基础性作用明显增强 11
3.1.6地区经济梯次推进 12
3.2美国政府如何应对本次金融危机以及其对我国实体经济的发展的启示 12
3.2.1新的流动性管理手段 12
3.2.2对金融机构的直接救助 13
4虚拟经济与实体经济的关系 17
4.1虚拟经济与实体经济相互作用的传导机制 17
4.2虚拟经济与实体经济的结构关系 17
5我国虚拟经济存在的隐患以及政策意见 20