英国经济学硕士毕业论文:Population Aging and Its Economic Impact in the United States
论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Population Aging and Its Economic Impact in the United States INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: AN OVERVIEW OF POPULATION AGING 1.1 Defining and measuring of population aging 1.2 Determinants of population aging 1.3 Dynamics of population aging CHAPTER 2: ACTUAL SITUATION OF POPULATION AGING IN THE U.S. 2.1 Population aging process in the U.S. 2.2 Characteristics of aging population 2.2.1 Economic Characteristics 2.2.2 Social and Other Characteristics CHAPTER 3: ECONOMIC IMPACT OF POPULATION AGING 3.1 Impact on public finances 3.2 Impact on national saving 3.3 Impact on overall economic growth CHAPTER 4: POLICY IMPLICATIONS OF POPULATION AGING 4.1 The retirement decision 4.2 Age pension 4.3 Health care CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSIONS CONCLUSIONS TABLES AND FIGUES REFERENCES Introduction Population aging (also known as demographic aging, and aging of population) is a summary term for shifts in the age structure of a population toward older ages. A direct consequence of the ongoing global fertility transition (decline) and of mortality decline at older ages, population aging is expected to be among the most prominent global demographic trends of the 21st century. This 21st Century phenomenon, shared by many nations, can be attributed to advances in science, technology and medicine leading to reductions in infant and maternal mortality, infectious and parasitic diseases, occupational safety measures, and improvements in nutrition and education. Rapidly expanding numbers of very old people represent a social phenomenon without historical precedent. In 2000, the number of persons aged 60 years or older was estimated at 605 million. That number is projected to grow to almost 2 billion by 2050, when the population of older persons will be larger than the population of children (0-14 years) for the first time in human history.