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arketing practice (Taiminen & Karjaluoto, 2015). As a result, Mulhern (2009) argues that offline advertising including DM will eventually be online. This highlights the ability of digitisation channels to act as a relationship tool, freeing advertising, news and information from the technological limits of print infrastructure in channels such as DM.



DM encompasses all types of print matter sent from businesses to consumers by letterbox, typically utilised as a traditional approach to mass communication which aimed to drive universal sales (Keillor, 2008). Early examples included mail-order catalogues, which formed one of the first instances of non-store retailing from the comfort of home (Keillor, 2008). More intensely within marketing, practitioners have expanded use of DM to improve quality customer contact within targeted, customised and creative material which aims to drive a call-to-action and stimulate customer relationships (Luceri et al. 2014; Harridge-March, 2008). DM utilised in this manner was found to have potential lasting impact, providing the ability to deliver a large quantity of information to customers and longer shelf-life with a large proportion of recipients retaining the DM piece for future reference. Contextually, this points to a unique advantage of DM, as shorter shelf-life of digital channels is uncovered as a core weakness (Danaher & Rossiter, 2011).

Following the shift to digitisation, a growing prominence on market orientation and customer preferences have driven consumer control over the information they choose to interact with (Strategic Direction, 2010). In turn, this has intensified competition for consumer attention to the extent that advertising clutter is viewed as a growing problem (Evans et al. 1995). Subsequently, traditional communications such as DM have developed a stereotype as ‘junk mail’, emphasising poor perceptions to its relevance. Evans et al. (1995: p.16) substantiated negative consumer attitudes where: 76% found DM was unethical, 67% did not consider DM as useful, whilst 47% considered DM as an invasion of privacy. A contemporary study by Françoise and Andrews (2015) further uncovered a extensive increase in ‘No Junk Mail’ stickers which acted as an avoidance behaviour to evade promotional materials. It has been conclusively shown that DM as a channel is one of the most expensive forms of advertising, operating on a cost-per-thousand basis (Figure 3). Case studies (Hall, 2010), demonstrate how within the charity sector, a shift from traditional to digital business can cultivate business benefits, reducing financial viability of DM (Figure 3). An implication of the negative perception surrounding DM reinforces why marketers are hesitant to continue its use, leveraging digital channels in an effort to remain competitive (Taiminen & Karjaluoto, 2015).

2.4. MCC

The phenomenon of market orientation posits the growth of industries according to proactive and selective behaviours from consumers which inform business trends, conduct and processes (Pookulanaga et al. 2011; Kohli, 2017). Contextually, consumers are more educated about products, communicating with peers about the value of a company’s service, swiftly migrating to different businesses and channels if they are not content with interaction (Shih, 2004). This process is outlined as channel migration, the behaviour where consumers frequent several channels such as DM, Social Media and TV within decision-making (Pookulanaga et al. 2011; Broderick, 2008). The complex and diverse buying behaviours of consumers today has been referred to as the practice of Multichannel communications (MCC), outlined as interactions which consist of more than one channel within purchase behaviour (Rangaswamy & Van Bruggen, 2005).

Owing to digitisation, it is common for customers to adopt various channels at various stages of the buying process, such as collecting information online before making an offlin