

日期:2020年03月22日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:17692
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202003020013471056 论文字数:13581 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction
stablish whether marketers can leverage DM in Multichannel communications.

In an uncertain and fragmented marketplace where demassification has shifted consumer attitudes to channel communication, the value and relevance of specific marketing channels remains uncertain. For instance, academic points to a consensus where DM is dead and digital has taken over everyday lifestyles and consumption habits (Section 2.7.). However, it is tangible that ongoing fragmentation has impacted consumer attitudes to trust and transformed attitudes to different types of channels. For instance, whilst Email is seen to deliver value (Appendix 1), the participant sample associates Email with ‘Spam’, pointing to its diluted effectiveness owing to the large quantities of Email continuously sent over a daily basis. Whilst generic DM was viewed in a similar manner by some of the sample (Appendix 2), when DM was warranted or requested by consumers and served the purpose of relationship building e.g. by samples, vouchers and personalised informational packs, it was significantly more valuable and relevant to the sample. Contextually, this would suggest that within an environment where Multichannel consumption is more prevalent, DM can be leveraged for its unique advantages within a Multichannel and digitalised world.

This was apparent across the literature review where findings conceded that Multichannel campaigns where DM was included in the marketing mix had a 12% larger ROI than those without DM (The Drum, 2017).


Evaluate the premise which considers ‘Is DM dead?’.

The conceptual framework emphasises the changing behaviour of consumers in the progressively digitalised marketplace. Over time, this has shifted DM’s role as a mass-market channel to a consumer focused tool, with elements of personalisation designed to capture attention and ensure customer retention. However, it is evident that the evolving digitalised world has transformed consumer lifestyles and habits, with all participants demonstrating a strong awareness of digital forms of communication and positive experiences (Appendix 2). For the purpose of marketing, this correlates with the case study analysis which asserts that digital campaigns can generate strong ROI whilst leveraging more cost-effective resources. Nevertheless, compared to more traditional forms of marketing, digital channels were perceived in many cases by participants as less credible, believable, attention-capturing and personal (Appendix 2). Subsequently, it can be regarded that though the consumption environment is increasingly digitalised, the rise and inferable over-utilisation of Email volumes have impacted perceptions, trust and relevance of DM which have led to its added contemporary value. Consequently, whilst digital communications continue to remain a key and crucial of marketing management, DM has the advantage of its physical value including shelf-life and retaining by customers to build relationships. In turn, it can be reasoned that DM is still highly relevant and valuable within the growing digital world and is not in fact dead as many academics presume.


The research has explored whether DM still has a role to play within a digitalised society, and whilst there are many examples in practice of digital campaign effectiveness (Appendix 1), the findings add to the body of knowledge around the perception of DM. Whilst generic or mass-market DM was negatively perceived across the sample, attitudes to Email have assisted the growth of personalised DM as a valuable communication channel. Furthermore, Multichannel marketing presents the opportunity for marketers to capitalise on channel consumption shifts, adapting DM within the progressively digitalised world. Whilst background research indicated perceptions to DM would be negative, in actuality, DM delivered unique value to consumers when applied in relationship marketing. Future research which explores t