Participation will be entirely voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time, without any prior reason. A copy of the consent form can be provided on request and all participation will be kept completely confidential according to the Data Protection Act 1998. Any information collected and reported will be redacted so you cannot personally be recognised by name or any personal information provided.
The study encompasses:
A semi-structured interview where a range of questions will be asked face-to-face in order to gauge your opinions on the dissertation study.
The interview will last up to 45 minutes, however, you are free to take as long or as little needed answering each question.
Appendix 5 – Semi-structured interview questions
What channels do you commonly use within marketing campaigns?
Has there been a rise in digital channels used?
What is your preferred channel use for a campaign? Are there some you specialise in?
Have you had any campaigns where only Direct Mail was used?
Have you had any campaigns where there was no Direct Mail used?
What channels have provided you with the strongest campaign return? Would you say there’s a combination for best practice?
Are you aware of Multichannel campaign marketing? How often do you adopt this approach?
How would you determine ROI of Multichannel campaigns?
What media channels have you engaged with today or other the past week? What were they for? Did you opt-in to any sort of specific message or were they just received?
What do you consider DM to be? How would you define it?
What are your views about DM? Do you think it’s useful?
How often do you receive DM? Has this changed over time?
Have you ever received DM from a company you already have an existing relationship with?
Do you ever respond to brands or businesses by DM? Or do you prefer another channel?
What digital channels do you engage with?
Do you often communicate with other brands?
Do you prefer digital communication?
What tools do you use when shopping for goods? Has there ever been a combination of channels when thinking about your buying history?
Are there any channels you avoid? Why?
What was the last high-involvement purchase you made? Can you talk me through the buying process?