Participant D
“I definitely prefer face-to-face communications or physically having the information in front of me. Online I’d have to do a lot of research to get to that stage and I don’t have the time to do that.”
“When I receive post it’s usually really detailed, even if its generic. I can see straightaway whether it’s valuable or not, because all of the information I need to make a decision is in one useful place.”
“It’s always unsolicited Email now.”
“I avoid social media because I’m not interested in what random people have to say about products.”
“I got a notice letter from my phone contract provider telling me my family plan would be up for renewal soon. So a follow-up telesales call got me a great deal on a new package and I saved even more money on a new phone.”
Participant E
“With wanted mail, I can keep it in a safe place and pick it up again when needed. Plus all of the information is in one handy location and not stored all over my desktop.”
“If important, then I always respond by mail. It’s easier to keep track of things and stay on top of paperwork when it’s in front of you. I much prefer Direct Mail.”
“I think it’s highly useful. I like being able to have all the information needed in front of me. It’s much easier to refer to, track and stay on top of.”
“There’s the odd occasion where I get letters from random companies, but most of the time it’s always unwanted Email now.”
“At times, when I’m expecting an Email I have to go through hundreds of Spam Emails because I get stuff so often.”
“Face-to-face sales, a brochure in the post, some online research and a later test drive helped me make my decision when buying a new car.”
Appendix 3 – Consent Form
RESEARCHER NAME I can confirm that I have read and understood the document: Information Sheet (V1) for the purposes of the study. I have had the opportunity to review the information, ask questions and have had satisfactory responses from the researcher. I understand that participation within the study is voluntary and I am free to withdraw my responses at any time without any prior reason. Furthermore, should I choose to not answer any specific question, I have the freedom to decline to answer. I understand that data and information collected during the study may be looked at by third-parties including the university, moderators and examiners where it is relevant to my taking part in the research. I therefore give permission for these parties to access my record which the researcher will provide. I consent to the use of field notes of my participation and verbatim quotation within the researcher’s Findings and Analyses section of their dissertation. I agree to take part in the study. |
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__________________ PARTICIPANT NAME | __________________ DATE | __________________ SIGNATURE | |
__________________ RESEARCHER NAME | __________________ DATE | __________________ SIGNATURE | |
Appendix 4 – Participant Information Sheet
IS DIRECT MAIL DEAD WITHIN A DIGITAL MARKETING WORLD? EXPLORING THE VALUE OF DIRECT MAIL IN MULTICHANNEL COMMUNICATIONS. INVITATION PARAGRAPH You have been invited to participate in a dissertation study. Before you agree to take part, it is important to understand why the research is being conducted and what this involves for you. Please take the time to read through the following information carefully and ask any questions when deciding whether to take part. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The research aim is to assist marketers to determine the contemporary benefits of Direct Mail (DM) within the growing digital world. The research will be exploratory in nature, attempting to gauge an insight into the attitudes towards DM and its value and relevance to consumers within marketing today. WHY HAVE I BEEN INVITED TO PARTICIPATE? The study will explore |