

日期:2020年03月22日 编辑:ad200904242025371901 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:17344
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202003020013471056 论文字数:13581 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction
didn’t even need to contact the company as they posted a lovely package via letterbox with complimentary masks, a detailed itinerary and parking passes. It was a lovely touch.” (Participant D, 36).


Conclusively, the case studies support integrated DM in practice (Appendix 1), with a tangible increase in sales and market share. This supports the literature review’s assertion that DM can be used as a channel to support Multichannel call-to-actions, such as driving store or online traffic. Furthermore, this view is evidenced by the sample’s consensus that personalised material and vouchers by DM drive decision-making and influence consumer behaviour. In turn, this emphasises the appeal of DM for marketing and consumers when used as a mechanism to drive action. Conversely, the case studies (Appendix 1) indicate that for PR and digital strategies, there are other suitable forms of traditional channels including television and cinema to drive and call-to-action and subsequent sales, as evidenced by John Lewis’ Christmas ad (Appendix 1). However, with respect to the thesis that digitisation has taken over (Section 2.2.), the sample agrees that whilst digital channels command limited attention spans within the buying process, DM maintained relevance in driving behaviour with credible information; shown to impact perceived value and trust. Across the sample, when DM was personalised, this significantly influenced perceived importance, credibility and overall relevance with much of the sample purporting to retain informational for future relevance, impacting relationship management. Contextually, this would indicate that as digitisation has begun to catalyse negative attitudes to Email, DM provides a form of reassurance, supporting trust in other channels and driving an overall response or call-to-action. Across findings this can be seen in DM’s ability to drive web and store traffic across the case studies and interview sample (Appendix 1; Appendix 2).



Explore the relevance and value of DM to contemporary consumers.

Owing to the subjective natures surrounding perception, it is difficult to be conclusive on the overall interpretation of DM as a channel within today’s digitised society. Intrinsically, background research (conceptual framework) and the primary and secondary data collection clearly point to the existence of a fragmented consumer environment, where digital channels have clearly impacted consumer attention, accessibility and attitudes to communication. As such, this has thus cultivated perceptions of DM which are entirely dependent on the value of content received. For instance, despite its expensiveness as a channel compared to digital tools, participants still perceived a high-level of value for personalised content such as redeemable vouchers, samples and informational packs (Section 4.1.4). This contextually points to the relevance of DM for relationship management, reminiscent with findings across the conceptual framework that DM is traditionally more informative than information across digital screens. Furthermore, a lack of consumer trust was another significant factor which arose from the literature review, owing to the negative perception that has arisen from DM being perceived as junk mail. The findings concede this view towards generic, mass and impersonalised DM which had little or no relevance to much of the sample (Appendix 2). However, notably, attitudes towards Email have evidently shifted with cold emails or ‘spam’ being seen as more intrusive due to the higher volume of content received daily. Contextually, this points to the premise that as Email faces diminishing consumer value and relevance, attitudes to DM have benefitted instead. This is consistent with case study findings which explore significant ROI from use of DM in a contemporary setting. Subsequently, the study has demonstrated relevance of DM as a channel in communications today.